Stuff That You Will Probably See In Pipe Stores In The Next Few Years


Well-Known Member
Right now you see a lot of "Spice" or "K2", and "Bath Salts". That is not the way it should be.

If you live in a state where Marijuana is Illegal, and you honestly do not feel as if Marijuana is religious to you. There is a plant called Uziza, and a plant called Kava. Both of these are legal across America, and both of them are Cannabinoids. Buy these for yourself, or give them to someone as a Christmas gift.

Both of these plants are related to the regular pepper plant that you use with salt. Uziza contains Caryophyllene, which attaches to the Cannabinoid receptors. Kava contains Kavalactones, which also attach to the Cannabinoid receptors.

Kava can be found on Amazon and various enthnobotanical/entheogen shops. Kava can be made into tea (traditional Indonesian method) or Capsules, it tastes horrible so capsules is best. It will make your tongue numb for a minute if you don't use capsules.

Uziza can only be found on 1 website as far as I am aware. But it is less than 4.00 an oz, so awesome price if you are smoking it. It is traditionally used in Nigeria to make Soup, so you would throw the whole ounce or half or a quarter in a crock pot, and mix it with some meat and Coco Yam (Basically African Soy), then share it with a group or family for a meal. But I have tested it smoking and a joint of it adds to Marijuana and has a light effect of it's own. I have not made butter from it yet for brownies or anything, but I plan on doing that soon and testing it.

A Cannabinoid that is legal, but is only seasonal, is Sea Urchin Roe. Sea Urchin Eggs and Sperm contains an Endocannabinoid that exists in your brain. You can eat it, or extract it and possibly smoke it, but you can also eat the extraction. Below are links to stores that sell bulk Sea Urchins and Roe. They are seasonal, but this should not be rare. There should be a place selling this in every town that has more than 1 McDonalds. It just makes sense.

Oilahuasca: Oilahuasca is using simple things like Cinnamon/Clove Tea to turn off your P450 Enzymes, then taking something like Basil Extract, to achieve effects like ecstasy. It is similar to how Ayahuasca works.

Religious rights protect TONS of Scheduled and FDA disapproved Substances.


Here is the Church of Neuroscience. They are not selling "Scheduled" drugs, but if they did not have the religious status they do, they would have been in jail a long time ago for selling people these things that the FDA says are not approved for Human Consumption. They are only approved for possession, sale, trade and giving away for research or novelty purposes. But it is illegal to sell it to someone to eat, but that is the whole basis of their church.

Here is The Native American church, most people know this, but they are allowed to Grow, Posses and Consume Peyote which is a Controlled plant that contains a scheduled substance.

Here is the Temple of True Inner Light, they take one of the things that is not FDA approved (Research Chemicals) called DPT, it is related to DMT and has effects between that of LSD and DMT, and they use it as a sacrament. Similar to communion, and how the Native American church uses peyote.

There is even a Marijuana Church that is not 4,000 years old. There American Headquarters is in Florida and they regularly use Marijuana as a sacrament. Even after some of their members were put in jail for smuggling so much Marijuana into Florida from Jamaica that the Jamaican prime minister even spoke on it when it happened, and said that it was just helping their economy.

Panaelous mushrooms are not illegal to grow, but they do contain Psylocibin which is illegal unless you are specifically using it as a sacrament. Or unless you live in New Mexico, where it is legal to grow Psilocybin mushrooms for personal consumption.

The Panaelous mushrooms again aren't specifically illegal to grow, but you have to be using them sacrementally. These are not something that is recreationally legal.
why is he like this?......... I really think it needs addressing.


im not joking he's about 23 ish !!

he shouldn't be acting like this.......its strange and mentally handicap like.

seriously no joke.
Lol. Sounds like you think there is someone older than me addressing these things. Or do you own a Pipe shop and wish a 23 year old didn't have to teach you how to do your job? LOL
Thought about it. You probably live in Pueblo and are butt hurt that you have been trolling someone you thought was an asshole, but it turns out you were just copying assholes who were trolling me, thinking they were regular people.

It's ok, I will be back in Pueblo eventually. I have more important places to get to first though, and I am still in the middle of a ton of research, and unless you know someone else doing these things, all you are doing is trolling by talking about my age.
Your trying to get people to do sea urchin sperm? Are you really that stupid? What is wrong with your head finn? If you want cannabinoids in a legal state just go buy some. Their legal! Why in the fuck would anyone want to smoke sea urchin jizz.
Fuck your momma must be so proud of how you tell people to smoke the jizz on the interwebs.
So Fin, the title of the thread is stuff we'll see in smoke shops in the future. Are you saying that smokeshops will be carrying/selling sea urchin jizzum? What species is best, has the highest Cannabinoid content or has the biggest splewy (volume blast)? I live not far from the ocean and sea urchins are easy to see and obtain. Could I seed my area with the species mentioned above? I ask cuz I frequently eat sushi, including SU roe and I never feel high; well unless I have sufficient sake with it. Then I feel high and relaxed. Could there be a synergistic effect? Is there a recommended brand of sake to heighten my pleasure? I ask because I regularly indulge in "Gekkeikan" brand sake; its quite reasonably priced, very tasty and has a very attractive and informative label attached to the green glass bottle. I almost feel like a real citizen of Nippon after a repast of sushi and sake; would this mean I'm entering the lucid dream state?

Please get back to me on the species of sea urchin, it would be easy to supplant my local sea urchin with that which you recommend. Thanks Fin
why is he like this?......... I really think it needs addressing.


im not joking he's about 23 ish !!

he shouldn't be acting like this.......its strange and mentally handicap like.

seriously no joke.
this is a serious question George and absolutly no trolling.........why are you so defencive?..... Is it because its true.
Thought about it. You probably live in Pueblo and are butt hurt that you have been trolling someone you thought was an asshole, but it turns out you were just copying assholes who were trolling me, thinking they were regular people.

It's ok, I will be back in Pueblo eventually. I have more important places to get to first though, and I am still in the middle of a ton of research, and unless you know someone else doing these things, all you are doing is trolling by talking about my age.
im trying to help you George
..theres no need to be rude
What are your thoughts on smoking weed, being a contributing member of society, and not raising red flags to the law who is merely looking to flush out all the bums?
The Police will break into your house and shoot your dog to take your weed from you in some states. You are hilarious.
Your trying to get people to do sea urchin sperm? Are you really that stupid? What is wrong with your head finn? If you want cannabinoids in a legal state just go buy some. Their legal! Why in the fuck would anyone want to smoke sea urchin jizz.
Fuck your momma must be so proud of how you tell people to smoke the jizz on the interwebs.
People already eat it, it is considered a Delicacy basically. People say it is an "Aphrodisiac". Me telling people what it does and where to get it does not really make it any grosser or better. I am just sharing, lol. And people eat this already.
So Fin, the title of the thread is stuff we'll see in smoke shops in the future. Are you saying that smokeshops will be carrying/selling sea urchin jizzum? What species is best, has the highest Cannabinoid content or has the biggest splewy (volume blast)? I live not far from the ocean and sea urchins are easy to see and obtain. Could I seed my area with the species mentioned above? I ask cuz I frequently eat sushi, including SU roe and I never feel high; well unless I have sufficient sake with it. Then I feel high and relaxed. Could there be a synergistic effect? Is there a recommended brand of sake to heighten my pleasure? I ask because I regularly indulge in "Gekkeikan" brand sake; its quite reasonably priced, very tasty and has a very attractive and informative label attached to the green glass bottle. I almost feel like a real citizen of Nippon after a repast of sushi and sake; would this mean I'm entering the lucid dream state?

Please get back to me on the species of sea urchin, it would be easy to supplant my local sea urchin with that which you recommend. Thanks Fin

I am pretty sure it is all species. But usually when you look it up online it shows pictures of the purple-black one chopped up. If you seeded your area, it might actually make them more available.

I think if you take MAOIs or P450 Enzyme inhibitors before eating it, you would probably get a more dramatic effect.

I don't know much about Sake.
I am pretty sure it is all species. But usually when you look it up online it shows pictures of the purple-black one chopped up. If you seeded your area, it might actually make them more available.

I think if you take MAOIs or P450 Enzyme inhibitors before eating it, you would probably get a more dramatic effect.

I don't know much about Sake.
you must lose track of what thread your posting on finny......I DO ...HAHA
I am pretty sure it is all species. But usually when you look it up online it shows pictures of the purple-black one chopped up. If you seeded your area, it might actually make them more available.

I think if you take MAOIs or P450 Enzyme inhibitors before eating it, you would probably get a more dramatic effect.

I don't know much about Sake.
Thanks for the response. This a potential business opportunity of a lifetime Fin, think about it: I could alter the entire Central Coast California offshore ecosystem; supplanting the native sea urchins with the specific species, it would be a production factory. There are a couple high-end sushi restaurants I could muscle in on and take over. I like your idea of MAOis/P450 inhibitors as well, add them to the sake since its customary to drink it with sushi. A lot of older right-wing conservatives eat sushi; this would stealthily accustom them to cannabinoids, hence they won't fear them. I'll cut you in for 10% of the enterprise, more if you'll help with the seeding. You aren't afraid of the ocean I trust? Also have to do something about the pesky sea otters as they eat sea urchins. Can you shoot a rifle? You'd be in a bobbing boat so you must be a good shot. A myriad of possibilities.
Thanks for the response. This a potential business opportunity of a lifetime Fin, think about it: I could alter the entire Central Coast California offshore ecosystem; supplanting the native sea urchins with the specific species, it would be a production factory. There are a couple high-end sushi restaurants I could muscle in on and take over. I like your idea of MAOis/P450 inhibitors as well, add them to the sake since its customary to drink it with sushi. A lot of older right-wing conservatives eat sushi; this would stealthily accustom them to cannabinoids, hence they won't fear them. I'll cut you in for 10% of the enterprise, more if you'll help with the seeding. You aren't afraid of the ocean I trust? Also have to do something about the pesky sea otters as they eat sea urchins. Can you shoot a rifle? You'd be in a bobbing boat so you must be a good shot. A myriad of possibilities.

If you are serious I'm down. I don't know how I would help with seeding from Colorado, but I am going to keep sharing stuff with other people so they start selling this stuff. If you have some way you want me to help, let me know.

I am also studying "Marine Natural Products" and their are all kinds of Cannabinoids and other Indoles in the ocean.
If you are serious I'm down. I don't know how I would help with seeding from Colorado, but I am going to keep sharing stuff with other people so they start selling this stuff. If you have some way you want me to help, let me know.

I am also studying "Marine Natural Products" and their are all kinds of Cannabinoids and other Indoles in the ocean.
go and stay over at your other thread