Stunted Growth


Well-Known Member
hey guys basicly wondering what cud the causes be of stunted growth with plants,
i have 6plants been in a week or so and they havent changed abit. there all still around 3inch tall and just arnt growing
there under a 400w hps light. fed twice a day with coco A & B like normal and just nothin.


Active Member
I"m having the same problem. I'm using soil, so I changed to a different soil thinking that the little pieces of sticks and bark was preventing the roots from growing normally, but they're still not growing much, argh!!


Well-Known Member
you said you have 6 plants IN for a week or so.

What does that mean ? You have clones in soil for a week or so ? You have clones in DWC a week or so ? You have 6 plants in flower ?

what is the question ?


Well-Known Member
im using soil with coco beans at bottom. using same soil as other plants before and they was fine.all 6of these are shit lol but there roots are growing as i can see them but just no growth upwards


Well-Known Member
you said you have 6 plants IN for a week or so.

What does that mean ? You have clones in soil for a week or so ? You have clones in DWC a week or so ? You have 6 plants in flower ?

what is the question ?

clones in soil for a week...
and there is a question at thetop says what can cause stunted growth


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm confused, did you transplant them ? are they clones, are they seedlings ? Maybe I'll let someone else answer it.

If you transplanted to soil it will take awhile for it to adjust, also sounds like you are feeding way too much.


Well-Known Member
i just said there clones post before mayb u dont read :S lol
and twice a day isnt feeding to much.ive done plenty of grows and fed the 3times a day and end up with 4-5ft plants getting around 8-9oz a plant..
all i asked was "what could cause stunted growth"


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm confused, did you transplant them ? are they clones, are they seedlings ? Maybe I'll let someone else answer it.

If you transplanted to soil it will take awhile for it to adjust, also sounds like you are feeding way too much.

I saw the stunted growth part but you said the plants in, when you used a verb without a noun I didn't know what was going on. When you move clones to soil they take time to adjust perfectly normal.

After that I give up on the question, because you said coco A + B which sounds like hydro nutes, and then you say coco beans.

I give up on this question, I am too confused.


Well-Known Member
lol not much confusing..the question was and still is what could cause stunted growth.the rest of my post was just info on my plants
and when i say i have 6plants in.. it means im growing 6plants. and coco A & B is growth nutes not for hydro but for soil..and coco beans u put at bottom of the pot to keep the soil out of the water in the tray so it doesnt drown the plants.
And i know clones take a while but every other grow ive done ive used same steps and they are always a foot tall in 1week of growing.and these havent grown even 1mm.


Well-Known Member
Y'all need some patience and let the plant establish itself. Once it sprouts is only the beginning. Its going to take root and try to stablize itself before surging into growth.

Hang tight and you will see it start to take off.


Well-Known Member
the thing is its not a seedling its a cutting/clone which already has a established root system and stems...but its just not growing at all non of the 6.
i will give it time but only the roots are growing not the plant itself.