stunted seedling?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
It always takes a while to get enough roots to build foliage
They will kick into gear as that occurs
BTW I always start new plants in a small container
then transplant a well rooted baby to a larger pot
Patience grasshopper :weed:


It always takes a while to get enough roots to build foliage
They will kick into gear as that occurs
BTW I always start new plants in a small container
then transplant a well rooted baby to a larger pot
Patience grasshopper :weed:
i transplanted them about a week in and they seemed to grow as they normally would without looking stunted, but they still seem a little bit small for me...


You've already transplanted those? Why?
because i already germinated them and the soil i ordered got really late, started them in 16oz cups and transplanted after 6 days, the transplant shouldnt have damaged anything tho


That’s about how mine looked a week ago and now they’re on their 4th and 5th nodes respectively. Just give it time. Plus, they probably slowed down a little from the transplant.