stupidest arrest ever....


Active Member
So i was arrested in my hometown which has about 4000 people in it give or take ON MY BIRTHDAY by a local cop. I was with a friend in his car and he was in the drivers seat, the weed was under my possession but I had not bought it or even smoked once that day. Me and my friend were parked and a cop came driving by and stopped and pulled us out because we were two "suspicious looking people in a suspicious looking vehicle." Oh, and all of this took place at about know, when all the suspicious and dangerous people are out prowling the streets. The motherfucker arrested me for having .5g in my inside jacket pocket. So for less than $20 worth of bud, not even driving under the influence, not even smoking it, I spent my birthday in jail, am facing probably a year of probation and no smoking, and will owe about $5000 when all is said and done. All I have to say is.....FUCK THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUCK POLICEMEN ON THEIR HIGH HORSES WHO THINK THEYRE ABOVE THE LAW. hahahahahaha oh and i forgot, the best fucking part about the entire thing was, (and this really gave me a very clear view as to how cops are trained to deal with marijuana and drugs in general), The god damn pig asked me on the way back to the station if I had payed for the weed with my credit card...........I told him yes just for the fuck of it. FUCK THE POLICE. So thats the start of my criminal record, no grad school, and difficulty finding jobs for a while. Thank you United States of America and the selfish ignorant bastards who run it!! Just my two cents. Peace everyone. :peace: Thanks for listening to my rant lol burn one for me :joint:


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks....kind of not believeable seeing that you were doing absolutely nothing. That blows though. Hopefully you are as clean as you speak and the judge will throw it out.
You got any history there? 4000 is pretty small and word travels fast.


Reasons like this is why I get an inner smile when I hear about cop shootings.



Well-Known Member
Why no grad school? and he was just doing his job. Maybe you guys were being kind of shady. Police men have to make a living too.


Why no grad school? and he was just doing his job. Maybe you guys were being kind of shady. Police men have to make a living too.
But each thing we do in life as our job or career we make rational choices... He just ruined a kids life for a half a gram and I'll be willing to put money down that all he knows is bias info about marijuana. Fuck that cop, and what he upholds. I hope he "upholds" a solid 8 rounds next time he pulls someone over.



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear this man. Especially on your birthday. I would check into a lawer and what laws are in your state. I know in ours we have whats called a first time offenders. Basically your put on probation for 1 year and if you dont get in any more trouble your charge is wiped clean. My brother had over a quarter ounce on him got off with a first offenders and lost his liceanse for 6 months but the charge has been dropped from his record. He did this representing himself and by know means does he know anything about the law. If you do have money im sure you can get this charge dropped.


Active Member
But each thing we do in life as our job or career we make rational choices... He just ruined a kids life for a half a gram and I'll be willing to put money down that all he knows is bias info about marijuana. Fuck that cop, and what he upholds. I hope he "upholds" a solid 8 rounds next time he pulls someone over.

Hahaha Amen.


Well-Known Member
If a cop pulls you over and you have cannabis stuck in between your teeth most likely you will be charged with tampering of evidence which is way worse than a posession charge. Why were you searched. Cops cant just walk up to you and put their hands in your pockets and if they do break em off!!!!!
sorry to hear about your trouble. maybe instead of arresting you he can arrest the guy beating his wife after he is LEGALLY drunk.


Well-Known Member
Uggggh this story reminds me of when me and my friends went to the corner store for some sandwiches after smoking a couple joints. Well some guy beats the fuck out of the corner store cashier for not giving him some 2 dollar ice cream he "supposedly" payed for. Long story short the cops come and put me and my 4 friends up against the wall... while the dudes that did the crime got the way, but thats not all... My friend had 2 bags on him and a dutch to roll a blunt plus a blunt wrap. The cop takes a bag from him AND HIS FUCKING DUTCH and leaves him with a bag and the shitty blunt wrap and has the audacity to give my friend and ticket for disordely coduct. YOU TOOK HIS DAMN WEED TO SMOKE AND GAVE HIM A TICKET WTF???. This happened in brooklyn by the way. NYPD pigs fuck em.


Well-Known Member
My friend had 2 bags on him and a dutch to roll a blunt plus a blunt wrap. The cop takes a bag from him AND HIS FUCKING DUTCH and leaves him with a bag and the shitty blunt wrap and has the audacity to give my friend and ticket for disordely coduct. YOU TOOK HIS DAMN WEED TO SMOKE AND GAVE HIM A TICKET WTF???. This happened in brooklyn by the way. NYPD pigs fuck em.
thats better then screwing him over and takin him with him.

id probably do that 2 if i were a cop.

"hey you you smokin a joint?"
"no sir"
"sure you are, gimme that"
*walks away smokin*


I feel your pain man, and i sure to hell hope that cops ass gets raped by inmates if it makes you feel better. Cops think they are the law and can do w/e the fuck they want but they are really just under payed high school grad idiots who think they are cool cuz they can beat a kid who wont fight back.
If someone has the balls to please bust a cap in the next cops ass. I would but i like living in a home and not a cell.


Active Member
The only reason I didnt eat it or hide it better was because there was no reason to search us. My friend was a fucking idiot and gave the cop permission to search the vehicle even when I told him not to.....which was a fucking stupid move on his part because there was more weed in the car that was in a very very obvious location that the cop didnt even find when he searched the vehicle!! lol the best part (or worst) was that I looked at the clock when I got put into the system back at the station and it was 7:40, exactly 4 hours and 20 minutes before the date changed to my birthday. I hate irony.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've had some pretty fucked up cops, I won't type out the whole story but he charged me with a DUI (no booze for like a week before) for pot smoking.......I was going 81 in a 60 and he searched my car after giving me a speeding ticket and tried to say the whole time he could smell weed. why did he search my car you ask? well according to his own dumbass report "I ask the suspect if I could search the car, he said no, so I asked him why not and he said because he has frozen food in the back he didn't want to spoil" yeah the judge and DA yelled at him and I got the DUI dropped but it took me a year to get them to even read the fucking report. Still got the speeding ticket and possesion charge.......

Not all cops are dicks, so don't just assume, but most are, or are stupid