Stupidly idiotic question


Well-Known Member
K it's like this i've got my 400hps in my wardrobe but the leaves on the bottom are getting very little light, my question is can you buy normal household desk lamps which will allow your plant to take in this light at an average level :)

like this i mean

a simple halogen desktop lamp...

just curious really, would halogen lamps work? does it have the correct spectrums kinda or :)

anyhoo cheers:confused: :joint:

edit: sorry never mind found this

A short name for the tungsten-halogen lamp. Halogen lamps are high-pressure incandescent lamps, containing halogen gases such as iodine or bromine which allow the filaments to be operated at higher temperatures and higher efficacies. While excellent for home lighting and similar applications, halogen lamps are not effective or efficient as grow lights, due to their limited spectrum and high operating temperatures.


the bottom leaves usually dont. it's not a big deal. if you still worried go buy a floro tube or cfl. that halogen lamp aint gonna do much for you at all.


Well-Known Member
Russ is correct. The haleogen isn't going to do much and the cfl's would do good for side lighting.