Sub and Bubba Get Close up


Well-Known Member
Throughout my life as a grower and toker I have always loved the fruity flavors and incredible terpine profiles of Sativa's. I have never really been a Kush fan but only because I never really liked the taste and because being a Hash Man most Indica's have much smaller resin heads and the outer cover of the tricome seems thicker and more volatile to me. Hash made from Indica's are generally darker and it's rare when you can make real full melt, there are exceptions. As I have grown older my super potent Sativa's really do a number on me at night and I have to actually be careful not to over indulge on my favorite Vortex because it can actually bring on an anxiety attack if I over medicate. This has lead me to take a second look at Indica's in particular the one that makes really nice night time Hash, Bubba Kush. Over the last year I have sampled about 15 assorted Kush cuttings and by far my favorite is the one they call Pre-98. Dioxide the creator of Chernobyl and Qrazy Train is an amazing strain hunter and he reminds me of myself when I was young. The cat is relentless in his search and aquisition of rare genetics and he has a library of gear most people only dream of. If you remember I turned to Dioxide for the cutting of Jack Herer that I gave to Jacks son Mark. He has been running the Bubba Kush Per-98 cutting for some time and has already made some new hybrids with her. He brought me a nice healthy cutting and I ran her through my grow room. As I write this story the plant is at day 54 of flowering and almost every single pistil is a vibrant orange color and the plant looks finished to the nakid eye. I asked Dioxide and he informed me that the plant finishes about day 60 and suggested I wait a few more days. So the best way I know to determine if a plant is ready is to study the trichomes so I set up my trusty Nikon d-50 and got as close as I could to Bubba Kush. When I was a young man I could just stare hard and see the heads but at 50 I can't see nearly as good and those scopes are cool but for me there is nothing like a macro shot with a 105 MM lens and zoom in with adobe on my 22" monitor. THis not only looks bad ass but leaves no doubt about what stage a plant is at. I use just side lighting and a very shallow depth of field generally an very low f-stop like 3.5. I use my ring flash mounted directly to the lens and in the low light the plant appears to float with no background. In reality there is a black back drop hanging but its a good 4 feet behind the plant so there is no reflection from the lights or the flash. The results are some pretty amazing pictures and if you study the shots you will see that indeed there are no amber heads and the plant clearly needs more time to complete its journey. For a plant I never liked the flavor of it sure smells amazing to me maybe I just needed to grow it myself. So we wait till day 60 and do this again. Look for my start to finish Youtube video of this same plant I am just waiting for harvest to mix up the clips.
Nikon Macro Rules!



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I am very familiar with the pre-98 cut. My good buddy Mr. Dank runs both the pre-98 and the cut everyone else had and the '98 was slightly more potent. He also runs a BubbaD that will get you straight up twisted. The pre-98 is unquestionably the heat. I would put that and the Afkansastan in a 2 way tie for best indicas of all time. I too am really loving the indica dom. strains as of late. The mental fatigue of the sativas can wear you thin after awhile.

I hope you make some cool bubba crosses, because i'de be all over it.
Yes we have created ripped Bubba and soon I will prob see what space dude has to say about this girl :)

Ripped bubba sounds like a horse tranquilizer to me.

as for OGs... i've tried them all over and over again and nothing comes remotely close to the S. Florida Triangle cut. Said to be the mother of all OGs. Lots of history behind this extremely hoarded cut. OGs crack me out for the most part but this one makes my head implode.

the pre-98 bubba and the triangle sit at the very top of the Kush food-chain no doubt.
Sub - I feel like you are custom-breeding for me. I love your strains but they are just all so "happy". :-) With a wife, kids and a job outside the cannabis industry I don't have time to hunt down elite cuts. When I lost my favorite kush cut I decided to go back to the source and try out some landrace Indica beans to see if they can produce the nightcap tincture that helps me sleep through the night.

Now I see this post and it's like you read my mind. Can't wait to see what you guys are cooking up! Keep up the excellent work.:clap:

Very nice! I've only had Sour Bubba from Montana and that high and feeling has always stuck with me.
Some pre-98 would be awesome. I saw that Cali-connect had those seeds but was wonder what you thought of that?
Me and Swerve are tight but I haven't actually grown out any of his gear so I can't say one way or the other.
Ours will have to undergo extensive testing before release so if your in a hurry give him a shot and do a thread so I can watch :)

you must have a real hard time finding testers.. where can one join the waiting list? all joking aside, this sounds very interesting and the pictures look great. another solid winner tga.
Sub, good to see even with all your successful strains you try to keep on the cutting edge and makin new flavors and highs. Because you tend to make things you need and love I think people that grow out your beans can see/taste/feel the love and thought you put into them. Those pics are glorious, I can't wait to utilize my macro lens in the manner you described! Keep up the R&D brotha! Peace.
more subcool indica based projects? mm yes i like it, pre98 has been in my grow room for a while as well as pre 98 widow cut, love those girls. Always give some mind numbing pain crushing buds.
Hey sub, I get anxiety from over medicating, which is easier for me to do with sativa's , thats why I havnt tried your gear yet. But god I want to, what would you suggest to be a good strain of yours that wont over medicate me too easily, before your bubba comes out.
I don't want to kill anyones buzz here, but I think I need to make one simple observation to anyone who suffers anxiety after smoking herb.

Smoking marijuana enhances your mood.

It is not a hard formula to follow, but if you smoke with a head full of thoughts, the thoughts (positive or negative) will come out 10 fold after smoking ANY variety of cannabis. Whether you're horny as hell or running from the cops, your stimulation is going to go 10x further in either direction after puffing no matter what. People who smoke cannabis to 'calm down' often feel quite the opposite after a toke.

If I have a significant issue to deal with on my plate, I honestly refrain from smoking until I get to where I need to be mentally. Cannabis is not an escape drug folks. We all deal with challenges and worries on a daily basis. Not to sound pretentious, but the weak fall to other drugs including: alcohol, cocaine, opiates, to avoid problems that they feel they can not overcome. I personally do not recommend cannabis when you are in a funk. I recommend you focus on the one thing that is keeping you from being who you really are and kill it with eating healthy, exercise, and spreading positive vibes. Easier said than done 99/100x, but I PROMISE you it works.

Ok, I am not a doctor and I should probably refrain from giving psychological advice, but in conclusion.... try to puff when you are you. It will make you 10x of you.

I hear ya myfather....but your coming from a place where that was good for you to not smoke when in a funk..
Me I smoke no matter what in a funk or not but the way I look at it we are always in a funk cause we learn life everyday and try to apply it the next.

Oh ya just checked and there is only fem seeds for Cali connection Pre 98 bubba in stock at attitude regs are out of stock.
I gotta do a run of vortex till I try anything! I love the trippy anxiety high its my fav.
I know I do not speak for every cannabis user, but I only share what has worked for me in the past. We learn positivity every day as well. We puff at the pinnacle of our positive feelings and experience euphoria. You will not experience euphoria when you are down and stoned.

I really do not speak for everyone with my rant, and am intrigued to hear your counter-arguements... perhaps it deserves its own thread.
I know I do not speak for every cannabis user, but I only share what has worked for me in the past. We learn positivity every day as well. We puff at the pinnacle of our positive feelings and experience euphoria. You will not experience euphoria when you are down and stoned.

I really do not speak for everyone with my rant, and am intrigued to hear your counter-arguements... perhaps it deserves its own thread.

Well, you know some people actually do use cannabis as a medicine, not just an escape from reality.
If had cancer, I would probably be offended.
I do have a horrible appetite, pretty bad insomnia, stressful work, and yes, it really helps those things, oh and just daily routine.
Im not looking to trip out, drop out, or expand my conciseness, Im not a kid anymore, any deep thought or philosophical question I needed answered is long gone with all the acid mushrooms I did.
Plus Im a musician, c'mon man.
Anyways, people smoke for lots of reasons. As Ive gotten older I get way more baked than when I was younger, wierd how it turns out that way, honestly though my problem is that Im a bit of a a hypochondriac, so When I smoke past a certain point, my heart beat goes way up, and I hate that, get worried about my heart, but I'm fine when I dont over do it, or smoke a certain type of weed, Its just so hard when theres all kinds of juicy tasting weed around, you want to enjoy it. You know this topic does deserve a thread "The reason I use cannabis"
Sorry man, didn't mean to offend.

I was not in any way discounting MMJ's medicinal values for pain management or the plethora of other uses for other ailments. I understand that my opinion can be a double edged sword. Ailments can be the cause of anxiety and cannabis may be your best bet. Everyone is different and I was only speaking for myself as stated above. I personally do not medicate when feeling mentally unsound. Does anyone smoke cannabis for anxiety and anxiety only? Just curious.