Subcool, could use help with judging Space Bomb flush and harvest time

First I'd like to say thank you, this Space Bomb is amazing.

But this time around, she is growing faster and maturing faster than the first time I grew her out.

Today is day 40 and I was thinking about starting the flush today. But I don't want to start the flush too early and lose out on some yield since I only have one Space Bomb flowering.

I was planning on taking her to day 55 since last time around I harvested on day 47.

Anyway, here are some photos from this morning. I even made a video so you could get a better idea of how mature she is so far.

Thank you for taking a look!


Well-Known Member
Read my article Amber Alert I cant really say more than that.
Space Bomb will fool you and look done early I take mine at 60 days.

It's an honor actually talking with you Subcool. Your strains are my all time favorite. The Space Bomb that I've grown before, was Dank all the way till the end of the roach from the joint.

I am super excited to smoke some new Space Bomb. I grew this one with AN's Iguana Juice, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Overdrive, Super Tea and some other additives and Final Phase to finish.
The First time I grew this plant I only used a little of GH and that was it.


Well-Known Member
Nice plant. You should try supersoil. I just transplanted vortex and plushberry into three gallon grow bags. There was plenty of room for everything (last time I used too big of a container for seedlings and too small a flowerpot too put enough SS in).

When they hit that SS everything took off and turned a beautiful shade of green, cuttings or bud sites galore. A little topping here and a tie down there and I am growing big bushes of dank like the rest of the pros here.:eyesmoke:
hmm how does 6 plants/1kw light in a wal-mart 15cent fabric shopping bag(they make great 7gal aeropots!)

so 6 walmart bags with supersoil + budcandy

I have a lot of Overdrive left, can i use that with supersoil?