subtle onset.


Well-Known Member
Second round making caramels, and I think I burnt them. It is a bit darker than the first time and they seem to break rather than cut. I may have gone past caramel into toffee, still good in fact I'm waiting on that subtle onset most edibles have.
So how do you recognize when they have finally hit you?

For me, it's when I go into the garage to have a smoke and a hit or two, and I forget about the "hit or two", till I'm walking back into the house and realize I only smoked my cigarette.
When my buddy sent me the Ass Cheese and Gorille de Raisin seeds, some of them were still in the bud. He also included a couple of cookies in the care package. He told me several time not to smoke anything until an hour after I had ate half a cookie. But time is a relative thing, and I smoked some of the Cindy's Blue Cheese (ass cheese's mamma) before the required wait time. I was so high, hours later on the way home from work, I was tacking my car through curves like it was a sailboat. Good thing I was the only one on the road.
i love those heart allmost shuts down highs when you focus on a spot on the wall...
this girl on the phone is a professional she incriminated him soo bad he will never get out of jail

last time i did a cookie and after 4 or 5 hours nothing happened soo i gave up and did a bong hit. minutes after i couldnt stop getting higher and higher one point i saw huge black backround and a tiny viewing screen.went to bed netflix.
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