Successful grow


Active Member
Heya. After many months of hard graft, I managed too cunjor a decent sized and professional feeling Marijuana DSC_0100.jpg DSC_0098.jpg plant.

Nor-Cal Cuttings

Well-Known Member
U have a couple of issues goin on with that plant ether ph or nutrients but something is wrong fasho.. wat have you been feeding it, wat kinda soul you have it in, and wat kind of light is she under? All kinda make a difference in wat happens as far as healthy and vigorous growth..... if your useing cfls your going to need more light to bud that out proper but i dont think lighting the issue i think its more in the ph or nutrients department....... good luck

Nor-Cal Cuttings

Well-Known Member
Check your ph of water and the soil needs to be 6.5 to 7.5 to be right thats normally a safe range...... to check soil ph with out soil meter jus collect some of the run off from the bottem of the plant after you've watered check the ph of the run off water and that should b the soil ph


Well-Known Member
N toxicity IMO. Those shiny/cupping leaves with sharp claws sound like too much N.