Successful operations?


How many indoor operations (we'll say at least 50 plants at all times) actually last long enough to be deemed "successful"? Has anyone ever pulled it off for decades without getting caught?


Well-Known Member
Pretty easy to get caught when your elictric bill would be well over 2 grand per month. I would say it is unlikely within the US, even in parts of Europe. But people get away with it, but most states grant 5-10 years per plant of jail time if you get caught so... is it worth it? Sure you might get like 10 lbs of dank and maybe you can sell it somewhere for 50 grand.... but if you get caught you're FUCKED.


King Tut
How many indoor operations (we'll say at least 50 plants at all times) actually last long enough to be deemed "successful"? Has anyone ever pulled it off for decades without getting caught?

Well, since LEO consider an un-rooted cutting a plant i'd say the 50-plant number has and is being done by those standards. Math adds up quick.

15 plants in various stages. 15 flowering, 15 vegging, 20 cuttings for clones since i always lose a few = 50 plants. Not a huge op by any standard but.......?


King Tut
Pretty easy to get caught when your elictric bill would be well over 2 grand per month. I would say it is unlikely within the US, even in parts of Europe. But people get away with it, but most states grant 5-10 years per plant of jail time if you get caught so... is it worth it? Sure you might get like 10 lbs of dank and maybe you can sell it somewhere for 50 grand.... but if you get caught you're FUCKED.

i don't see $2k/mo for a 50-80 plant op.


Well-Known Member
If you've got 50 plants flowering and you're using 600W HPS.... you're going to need 1 light for approx 4 full size plants. that's 12 lights, and 7,200 Watts. Plus 12 ventilation fans, say 6 standing fans for airflow, 12 medium water pumps or a sprinkler system (cause face it... you're not gonna wanna be around to water 50 plants all the time). You're looking at a LOT of electricity being used.


Active Member
People growing SOG do it all day long. If you are talking 50 monster trees, that would be a pretty decent sized setup (read $$$).


Active Member
I do sog 12 plants per 600w hydroponic ebb and flow. Very manageable electricity bill.... 2k a month is laughable as is 5 years per plant in jail time


Well-Known Member
Every single person uses their light spread differently. Where some people like to use 1 to 2 thousands per plant and some people like to run 36 plants per thousand. I've seen 500+ plant counts in operation that's lasted more then 5 years. And instead of gettin caught, they take a year off and start back up later. As long ad your doing it right and have the right reasons your straight. My buddy has a hobbyshop and the electric conpany thinks that he runs 3 2500 watt kilns simotaiously which is alittle over 7500 watts. And that covers his 6 thousands and ac unit. Come up with legitmet reasons and itll be less suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I misunderstood, I thought you meant bringng in 2/k a mo. on an op that size. My aplogies...