I don't feel bad / sad for people who take their own life. I've been in bad places and never considered it. My dad would have loved to take a life so he could see his kids, grandchildren grow up.
People who commit suicide are selfish and care about no one but themselves.
what if they have no friends or family, perhaps the loneliness was too much for them ?
if they leave no one behind to miss them i cant see how this would be selfish
i guess it could be said they are "weak" rather than selfish for not being able to solve their problems
i still would get no satisfaction from calling them weak or to judge them in any way i still think its tragedy that anyone would kill themselves
they must of been in a lot of pain weather its physical/mental/emotional
i find it hard to imagine how difficult life must be for suicide to be the only solution to solve the problem
no matter how hard life has become for me i can always think of a plan to get myself out of the problem
even if the plan fails i still have a path to follow, a course of action and more plans to try until the problem is solved
i wonder what it would feel like if there was a day when i run out of plans or paths to follow
maybe that's when its time to go