Sudden tears across leaf


Active Member
Hi all .. im new to the site and just wanted to give thanks for having this great forum .. im about a month and a half into my second grow and completely addicted to the art of growing .. my grow has been going smoothly for the most part, ( i have 4 feminized blue mystics and 5 white widows from nirvana seeds and have been sparingly using's recipe for success nutrient kit), but just the other day i noticed a few of the white widow leaves on 2 plants suddenly were torn across the leaf (pictured below) .. i didnt notice any pests (though i need to get magnify glass to make sure) and they arent near touching the lights (2 - 4' T5 fluorescent lights) the plants still look good to me but i just had some concerns .. im thankful in advance for any knowledge shared


Brick Top

New Member
ok think i figured it out ... i found some signs of webbing so i think its spidermites

If you have big chunks of leaves missing it's not spider mites ... you have something larger like caterpillars or cutworms or cabbageworms, etc. You have a major muncher, not something that makes tiny holes and sucks the liquid from leaves.

You may have spider mites too ... but they did not eat away entire ends of leaves.


Active Member
hmmmm....I don't see any spotting on the leaves and that looks like something ATE your leaf. Spidermites don't really eat the leaves, they suck the chlorophyll and juices out of your leaves, leaving them dry, spotted and yellow. However if you found webbing, it could be another pest such as some sort of worm or caterpillar. Could just be a couple of them so look carefully and keep us updated!!!



Active Member
Damn Brick Top, beat me to it by a minute!!! Pretty much confirming the same thing tho, so look for bastards that are ingesting your plant.



Active Member
thanks im going today to get an illuminated microscope to take a closer look .. here are a few more pictures that are a closer up look and shows some strands of the "webbing" ... i appreciate the help :clap: ... ill update
