Suggestions for Carbon Filter for new grow cabinet


Well-Known Member
I have a smallish grow cabinet that I will be setting up as another flower space.

Roughly 30" wide x 24" deep x 54" tall. I will have 3 QB288 v2 boards running on an HLG185H-C1050 dimmed down to @ 150W.

I found this examples of ways to setup the filter but am still confused.
2018 01 19 Illustration Set 01 copy.jpg

Since I am limited on height I would like to be able to hang my light fixture as high as possible, ideally a max height of 48". That only leaves me @ 6" of clearance and I don't think I can fit a carbon filter inside the cabinet (METHOD 2 in example). I will be using an AC Infinity T4 as the exhaust, which will definitely be outside the cabinet, and then was planning to exhaust out the window. (something like METHOD 4 but then going out the window after the filter).

But it looks to me like most of the filters are capped on one end? Is there a lip to attach another piece of ducting to the 'out' end of the carbon filter so it can vent out the window?

The other idea I had was to use something like one of these range hood carbon filters. Basically have that mounted flat inside the cabinet on top of the exhaust hole. Then the fan sits outside the cabinet pulling through that. I saw someone on youtube do this but have no clue how effective they are, but I figure it might be more effective than having the filter outside of the cabinet.

They do make inline filters which look like this.

New Phresh Inline Carbon Filters available for next day delivery ...

Phresh and CAN make them for sure.

Though with such a small cab you can still fit a standard 4" or 6" filter in, just have it touching the roof and have your lights an inch below.
It not possible to vent heat out the window with method 3 or 4 without and inline filter.
Most that I've seen go with "Method 1" but your space, that will be a problem. So I'd suggest "Method #2". The filter doesn't HAVE to be at the top of the cabinet. There'll be room at the bottom under the canopy, next to a pot.

I can't find the article right now, but I read something about that a fan has an easier time sucking through a filter, then blowing out of one. You'll also get build up inside the filter which would be impossible to clean, whereas most good filters come with a cleanable pre-filter that you can just throw in the wash if/when it gets dirty.

Just my $0.02...