Suggestions for smoke bud rot.


Well-Known Member
okay i had a stroke of genius for anybody who lacks empathy and any kind of morality AND finds themselves in OP's situation. alright here we go...

sell the moldy shit to someone you don't like that much and then buy a bag of non moldy shit with the money.


Well-Known Member
dude dont smoke anything with mold on it about 8 years ago my dad did ended up in hospital with a sic lung infection bacteria infection was nasty as so pls dont he has fucked his lungs and hasent been the same since


Well-Known Member
Not to scare you or anything, but if you end up with fungal pneumonia ur lung will look like this (cross section of a CT, left side is kinda normal, right side where the arrow pointing is, well you get it...)
Fig. 9: Thoracic CT (lung window) in axial plane demonstrates multiple fungus balls filling a pulmonary cavity in the left upper lobe with air crescent sign (arrow). References: Radiology, Dr. Peset University Hospital - Valencia/ES
looks like my old mans lungs

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
I already smoked this and that was good.. I am alive for now. When this shows it's effects..
good luck! a healthy immune system has a very good chance of fighting off a fungal infection, but the spores can lie dormant in your lungs for decades and if you get HIV-AIDS/TB/get a weakened immune system (like taking steroid drugs) for whatever reason they can activate.

The best advice is don't put mouldy shit in your body. Or sell it to dopey kids, thats bad bud karma!

PS: the antibiotic drugs they use for these infections are some of the nastiest chemicals known to man. Bad fungi are bad news bro