Suggestions for Stealth Grow Box..Size Requirements


Ive been doing some research on lighting requirements per sqaure foot electrical costs and all that. I want to design a wooden box to build in a closet with lights and ventilation.

Its going to be 7-8 feet tall as tall as can fit in the closet but im wondering about minimum dimensions for 2-4 plants, ive looked around on forums and google but cant really determine a strait up minimum for one plant.

Say I had 2 plants in a a row (1x2) about how big would that need to be, or say 2x2 plants or 2x3 etc. What i really need to know is the sqaure dimensions needed for just one plant so i can design something to fit best. I want to have a decent yield but to many sqaure feet means too many lights. Im planning on going with HID, ive grown outside and some small plants with CFLS before.


Thanks. I am relocating to a new place in june so for now I am just assuming that my bedroom closet will be atleast 7-8 feet. Once I know the closet I will be able to determine the size but I am planning on atleast 2 plants maybe more if i have enough length and depths.


Well-Known Member
have a look at my journal for some ideas. I built a stealth cupboard to fit in the corner of my room. I grew 2 sativa dominant plants in there, now i'm going for 2 indica dominant strains. Hoping their bushiness won't give me any problems, time will tell.