suggestions on venting my closet

petey d

Hi all new guy here!

In the process of re-vamping my closet:clap: Just ordered a sweet 400w hps system. My closet is 2' x 5' x 8' (high), above the ceiling is attic. Was wondering how to keep it cool as I understand these mh and hps rigs get hot. I have done a few grows with cfls, but want some beefy colas now. I was able to put some bud out with my homemade system, but Im ready to take it to another level:bigjoint: Anyway with the cfls I would just open the door a couple times a day, and had a few little clip on fans keepin shit movin in there, ah the simple life. So now its ducts and inline fans and vortex and shit. Any suggestions on what to add to my 400w system with a reflector hood with 6" punch-outs on both sides?:???:


Hi all new guy here!

In the process of re-vamping my closet:clap: Just ordered a sweet 400w hps system. My closet is 2' x 5' x 8' (high), above the ceiling is attic. Was wondering how to keep it cool as I understand these mh and hps rigs get hot. I have done a few grows with cfls, but want some beefy colas now. I was able to put some bud out with my homemade system, but Im ready to take it to another level:bigjoint: Anyway with the cfls I would just open the door a couple times a day, and had a few little clip on fans keepin shit movin in there, ah the simple life. So now its ducts and inline fans and vortex and shit. Any suggestions on what to add to my 400w system with a reflector hood with 6" punch-outs on both sides?:???:
Ur best idea is to make 2 holes one or intake fresh air and one to outtake old air , and put in/outtake fans in these holes. just make sure u check the temp inside ur grow area does not excess 85F (after 90F photosynthesis process starts to mess up and can cause the plant lots of damage and even kill it). if possible allow the grow area door to be open the whole time . thats what i have to do because it not my lil guys would be toasted . :)
hope this helps some.


Active Member
I am in a similar size setup, just with a 250W. Tough to keep cool. My room temps outside the closet are 76f pretty constant, I have a 10" fan on the floor right at the closet door, and have it attached to a 10" to 8" converter, and a 8" duct that runs to the box. It would have been quieter inside the box, but its not bad. Then I have the same fan in the top as the exhaust. Inside I have 1 12" osculating fan on the timer with the light. Only other fan I have is on top of my box pushing the hot exhaust air towards to closet door. Its a little noisey, but not noticeable outside of that room.

Keeps temps at 82f high, and its 76f when the light is off. Closet door is always open, unless someone comes by then I can close the door, if they hear anything I just say there was a leak and the carpet got wet... LOL

There are some pics in my journal to give you the idea...

petey d

Thanks for your input.....for some reason I cant view your pics, and what is the deal with the anoying download, playnow buttons on every friggin page?? Anyway. Im still not clear on how to keep the light / room cool. I understand idealy there should be "in" and "out". I was thinking of getting one of those inline fans, do they get connected to the Hood and pull air away, or to the end of the duct that leads out of the room? Might sound silly, but this will be my first grow using hps and mh and with my cfls I just did a passive intake by opening the door and blowin a few clip on fans a few hours a day. Need to get this vent shit straight so I can order my stuff and get crackin!!!


Well-Known Member
work out how large your spce is in cubic feet. then buy a fan that will clear the air in the room and least once or twice per minute. stick your filter on one end of the light and fan on the opposite side sucking air through the filter then over the light and out of your exhaust. most places will only need a passive inlet. but depends on the ambient temps in your grow area. you may need an AC or a really huge fan. if your hood is enclossed it should be less of an issue but will still need venting.