sulfur def (pix)


Active Member
i think i have a sulfur def so i gave them 2 tsp of epsom salt and iron solution per gallon and sprayed them with1/2 a tsp of epsom salt is this the right way to go i had them in 48 hours off to start flowring and wen the lights wen on all the tops were bright yellow

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Well-Known Member
It appears to be yellowing from the veins of new growth which would indicate an iron deficiency, but what is your soil PH? If its high ( above 6.8 ) the roots won't obsorb it, also what was the PH of the spraying you did?

Sulfur deficiency starts more in between the leaf veins and outward more than from the base of the leaf.


Active Member
soil ph is around 6.8-6.9 and ph of spray wass 6.0 how can i lower the ph in soil i cant do anything now i gtta wait till it dryes up mayb 2-3 days and how much times a week should i spray i could only spray wen the lights are off cuz of the hps lights thanx for the help +rep mate
It appears to be yellowing from the veins of new growth which would indicate an iron deficiency, but what is your soil PH? If its high ( above 6.8 ) the roots won't obsorb it, also what was the PH of the spraying you did?

Sulfur deficiency starts more in between the leaf veins and outward more than from the base of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
molasses will be your best friend to get some iron back in her...start adding some to your water at about 2tbsp/gallon, and you can mix some in your folar feeding...also if your are lacking P that will cause iron lockout as well...what are you giving it for nutrients? You should be using some sort of "bloom"/"Flowering" formula at this point with an NPK ratio of about 1:3:2...epsom salts just give you K, I'd go grab some dolomite lime which will buffer your soil and give you extra calcium and magnesium...

What kind of soil is this? How often do you water it and how much? How large of a pot is that? How long does it take to dry out?


Well-Known Member
Trace Elements Sulphur (S) is a component of plant proteins and plays a role in root growth and chlorophyll supply. Distributed relatively evenly with largest amounts in leaves which affects the flavor and odor in many plants. Sulphur, like calcium, moves little within plant tissue and the first signs of a deficiency are pale young leaves. Growth is slow but leaves tend to get brittle and stay narrower than normal.


Active Member
there in ffof i just put them into flower yesterday so i havent givent them anything for bloom yet for the first 3 weeks of veg i just gave them b12 then i gave them sensi two part grow i waited 3 weeks bcuz the ffof soil is strong i didnt wnna burn them i water them wen they dry up i got a soil ph and moisture tester thing and some are in 2 gallon pots a few in 3 gallon and 5 gallon pots and it usually takes about 3 to 4 days for the 5 gallon 2 days with the smaller pots
molasses will be your best friend to get some iron back in her...start adding some to your water at about 2tbsp/gallon, and you can mix some in your folar feeding...also if your are lacking P that will cause iron lockout as well...what are you giving it for nutrients? You should be using some sort of "bloom"/"Flowering" formula at this point with an NPK ratio of about 1:3:2...epsom salts just give you K, I'd go grab some dolomite lime which will buffer your soil and give you extra calcium and magnesium...

What kind of soil is this? How often do you water it and how much? How large of a pot is that? How long does it take to dry out?


Well-Known Member
when you water how much are you putting through them? Yes ffof soil is supposidly strong, but if you have good drainage(which you seem to have), overwatering you wont see droopy leaves, but you will strip out the nutrients from your soil much faster.


Well-Known Member
oh wait i totally missed that...48hrs of darkness in the middle of the grow? I've never heard of anyone doing that...


Active Member
i let it leech out a lil
when you water how much are you putting through them? Yes ffof soil is supposidly strong, but if you have good drainage(which you seem to have), overwatering you wont see droopy leaves, but you will strip out the nutrients from your soil much faster.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing is normal when doing that, I always do 48 hours complete darkness and my ladies do the exact same thing. That's why i was wondering if you just started blooming them.. They will green back up in a few days. Nothing to worry about


Active Member
a friend advised me to try it but wen i turned the lights on they were all like that they were never like that b4 the 48 hours
oh wait i totally missed that...48hrs of darkness in the middle of the grow? I've never heard of anyone doing that...


Active Member
holey shit whould they be alright even thod i gave them epsom salt and iron solution and thnx mate i figure the 48 hours had something to do with it they are getting a bit greener
the yellowing is normal when doing that, I always do 48 hours complete darkness and my ladies do the exact same thing. That's why i was wondering if you just started blooming them.. They will green back up in a few days. Nothing to worry about