Sulfur was Magic against Russet and Broad Mites but Thrips seem to be surviving it?


Well-Known Member
What is the best Knock Down for Thrips???

Luckily they are spreading very very slowly maybe because I grow in L.E.C.a. Hydroton Expanded Clay etc....

But I have like lots of possibilties, Neem being the one I would prefer to use the least since it is the least Compatable with my Sulfur Rotation.

I Have Lost Coast, Trifecta, Pyganic etc...

However I have figured out how to rotate back and forth between Oil based Sprays and Sulfur especially since my Sulfur is the Most Micronized and Best on the Market!
I’m a huge fan of Dr Zymes……I’ve used later into flowering and no ill effects. Just make sure u follow the directions exactly like they say.
Warmer water, distilled preferably, ph water between 6-7 before U mix it and don’t adjust after. I’ve always used 4oz per gallon and hit the plant with at least 2 applications….3 rounds for bad cases.