sulpher plasma lighting


Active Member
Sulpher Plasma Lighting these are for sale as of now its a little on the expensive side but when they incress yeilds by !00% then its worth it for anyone that doesnt know what a sulpher plasma lamp is

The sulphur lamp consists of a golf ball-sized (30mm) fused-quartz bulb containing several milligrams of sulphur powder and argon gas at the end of a thin glass spindle. The bulb is enclosed in a microwave-resonant wire-mesh cage. A magnetron, much like the ones in home microwave ovens, bombards the bulb, via a waveguide, with 2.45 GHz microwaves. The microwave energy excites the gas to five atmospheres pressure, which in turn heats the sulphur to an extreme degree forming a brightly glowing plasma capable of illuminating a large area. Because the bulb heats up considerably, it is necessary for an electric motor to spin the bulb while a fan cools it to prevent it from melting. The bulb is usually placed at the focus of a parabolic reflector to direct all the light in one direction.
As Such these complex lights can be made into very bright light rails so imange if u will yer grow area incased with say three rows of sulpher lighting that will optimize photosenthises by 100%

nlite - Sulphur Plasma Light

this should speak for itself just watch the videos

now if you are like me and want to buy one of these beauties then this next link is just for you

GrowBox OnlineShop

and if yer still not sure and need some more info then here is some more detailed specs

PURple for the highest quality

so happy lighting



Well-Known Member
Nice find, I knew this was in the works, but had no idea it was out already to this extent, and for sale.


Active Member
well it is forsale but its costly at the moment am gonna keep doing some reasearch and try and find a cheap way to build it


Active Member
sulpher lighting is now reality and is not easy to make in next couple of post i will be posting links on how it can be done


Active Member
from waht i observed it looked like they are smaller , so you can fit more in an area , also i would assume they put out less heat than a hps system.


Active Member
What is the US Dollar translation? I see 9'908 or something like that, sorry I'm American :). 1300W of Plasma is serious, the Gavita is 300W and is suppose to be the same as a 1K MH AND a 600HPS put together....