Summer Project


Active Member
Hey, So I'm planning to start indoor growing for about 6 plants. I'm looking for some seeds around my area now.

Here's my setup, please correct my or add-in if i'm wrong.
- I will purchase a RED/BLUE Spectrum 225 LED PANEL (I saw someone had this)
- I found a meter on eBay that has PH+MOISTURE+PPM all in one
- Rockwool for growing after germinating - A timer for my LED panel 18/6
- I read a great CO2 idea that blew my mind cause I could only think techology, that YEAST+SUGAR = CO2, so I was thinking putting that in a 1L Bottle and having tubes feed into my box.

- For growing, I'm getting 6 - 1 Gallon pots, with SCOTTS SOIL, I read they have a neutral PH soil.
- I'm thinking about running Automatic water dripping, I have a water pump from a fish tank, I want that to run water (I'll turn on to fill a jug above my plants) into a bigger jug that holds the water, and then the jug will have tubes running down dripping water the whole day into my plants (Small drops?)

Question: Is RED/BLUE panel correct? Are those the waves that the plants absorb?

And a custom mod question, for ventilation, how long do I want them blowing once my seedlings sprout? How strong?

That's all I can think of for now. I will post a pic of my closet tomorrow, no light is there really, ventilation into another room through ceiling is available.


Well-Known Member
The LEDs are not for the first timers. Its the cutting/development edge and seems to be lacking overall (I still dig the idea a LOT, just not ready for prime time (yet) )

A pH, Moisture, ppm Meter? Odd combo. Moisture is for soil. ppm is *generally* for hydro and pH is for all. Sure it isn't a pH, ppm & TDS meter? (should be about $150) There are the cheapo pH, Moisture, light meters from the home improvement stores (careful with them. moisture is good, pH is iffy at best)

Go soil. If you already have the rockwool, hold it for the rooting the clones (a month or so away)

CO2? don't worry about it unless stuck in a tight closet that you can't open the door during the daylight hours (while lights are on)

Watering? Can't do it manually? I'd prefer/recommend manual watering (and thats from a guy who has a killer automatic watering system)
Gotta look at the plant and conclude if it needs water or not.

Blue light for veg, red light for flowering (down and dirty. much more complicated then that)

The vent Q?
Well you want the fan blowing on them basically always (stregnthens the stems) But that is *NOT* ventilation, just circulation.

Difference is that circulation just moves the air around inside the room. Ventilation changes the air in the room from somewhere else.

Happy tokin