Sun Pulse Splitter! Anyone Used?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen this? Say it turns a single 1k ballast into two 600 bulbs.
If this works im all over it. Whos used it?


Active Member
looks pretty cool I wounder if burn you ballast out faster runnin an extra 200watts?


Active Member
I just ordered one an will post the results in 2-3 weeks i was about to buy 4 600w but now i can keep the 3 1000 i use now if this works. That will be 6 600w per room sweet!!! Only using 3000w of power


The splitter looks like a great idea! Are you running the Sunpulse 600w lamps too?? I'm just curious because if I read correctly they say you must use these lamps but wondering if that's nothing but clever marketing and if any 600w HPS lamp will work fine!?

Happy Growing!
Any updates on this product? Wondering if you used Sun Pulse bulbs or tried different ones. Also are you trying it on a Digital Ballast?


Well-Known Member
I am so intrigued by this. I am all about trying to do things with as small a carbon footprint as possible. I am planning an upgrade and am trying to decide which direction to go. I wondered if it really mattered which brand bulbs were used. Also if they have to be digital ballast bulbs or traditional bulbs. If you can use traditional bulbs with these splitters then I am about to go nuts with them and make a ceiling of magnum hoods filled with 600 watt bulbs. I hope to hear some of your results soon. Stoked :shock:

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I think sun pulse spinners are the Rolls Royce lights of growing. There not missing nothing as far as spectrum there even goin as far as haven them mimic the sun of any country on earth, you just pop the chip program into the spinner you got india's sun or cambodia or africa lol. Then order your exotic soils from there and your good to grow, with technology like that everyones gonna mimic afgan and columbia and get the coca and poppy goin them 2 plants control the world
Trillion dollar a yr industry

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I have mine set up. I love it. It increases my grow area by 50% at least, my corners are well lit, and there is way less heat in my room. I'm only lightly air cooling 1 of them, the other is just in a hood.

They seem to be wired in series since you can't run only one, they both need to be there. And I think one of the lights burns brighter than the other. My plants seem to like them, I am running the 3k flowering bulbs, and I may buy the 10k bulbs in the future for the end just because I'm a gadget freak, but so far I'm very happy.

I have 25 plants running under them with great coverage. Oh, and another thing. I was able to keep the lights about 6 inches from the canopy with no negative results, as opposed to the 1000 w light I was running before that was heating the room a lot and burning my plants.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I am so intrigued by this. I am all about trying to do things with as small a carbon footprint as possible. I am planning an upgrade and am trying to decide which direction to go. I wondered if it really mattered which brand bulbs were used. Also if they have to be digital ballast bulbs or traditional bulbs. If you can use traditional bulbs with these splitters then I am about to go nuts with them and make a ceiling of magnum hoods filled with 600 watt bulbs. I hope to hear some of your results soon. Stoked :shock:
It says you have to use SunPulse so that's what I bought. I am running a magnetic ballast which is required, and it is running in HPS mode.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Maximus. Keep us updated. Gotta love new ideas. I tried some Sun Pulse bulbs with mixed results. I liked the response from the plants I just had problems with the bulbs them selves. My 10k formed a huge blister in the glass sleeve of the bulb and I have a 3k that wont fire regularly. My grow supply cant return it to them if they can get the bulb to fire at all. I know it will fire after enough tries but that doesnt work for a timer. I hope you have none of these problems. Maybe these are problems only associated with 1000 watt bulbs. I wish you luck and I hope to see more info on this sett up as time rolls by.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
No problems yet, still love the bulbs, I'll post a pic. I have them closer together than I should but that's all the space I have.

How did you like the 10k bulbs, did you notice a difference?


Well-Known Member
The 10k bulb does make a difference. I started using it to early at three weeks to go. Two weeks is probably the right time to switch. You dont get the final swell like with conventional bulbs so yield got impacted some. The trade off is increased resign and tricome production. I thought using it for the last week or two would be ideal but the bulb malfunctioned and havent tried again since. I am glad to hear you are not having any problems. Peace.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I got a couple zoo uvb lamps they give off dangerous amount of uvb everytime im in my tent and the uv light is in the corner of eye i get eye pain but i learned to stay safe around it. Heard alot of stories of sunpulse bulbs breaking or getting bubbles in them, not firing till a couple trys wtf, i really wanna try out the 10k usen it for even a week at a time would be worth the cash as long as it works lol. I mean it gonna last you forever...


Well-Known Member
I looked into it last year. If you look at the lumen output of the bulbs, you actually lose light even running two 600's. The numbers don't work. Plus you lose major penetrating power. Meh.