Sunlight Systems


Well-Known Member
Bought these off ebay today, just wanted to know if I can use any 150watt hps light with it, as the bulbs it came with don't look like any I've found in grow shops...
light (1).jpglight (2).jpglight (3).jpg

It's about time I got a decent deal on ebay :roll:
As long as the light fixture can use that high of wattage you should be fine. Usually it will say the amount of wattage it can handle somewhere on the fixture itself. (In your case, it would usually be on the white part you have)
no wattage written anywhere, but I figure it'll be okay. Thought I would make sure I haven't missed something entirely obvious, then catch fire to my closet! haha!
Thanks for the second opinion.
Seems like I got a deal on ebay..:clap::idea::clap: