sunny for the weekend rain all week should i harvest the day before it rains?


Active Member
i was gonna wait till next friday to harvest but now it says rain all week and i already just had problems with mold so should i harvest in a couple days before it rains


Well-Known Member
fuck it man think about it..would you rather have 10 percent more unripe buds or let em get hit with another storm, giving them time to mature and loose 10 percent?? all depends what you want quanity premature nuggets or QUALITY buds..prob wouldnt even loose that much weight my dude. just all about quanity or quality


Active Member
Yeah man if you got outdoor genetics that are resistant then i would gamble through the rain. definitely well worth letting her mature. Pray for no mold and imagine your beautiful reward i hope it works out


Active Member
It's really up to you what you want. If you don't want to risk the weight you got now than chop em. But if you'd rather give up some bud for the other bud to be some real dank than you gotta risk it.


cover her up. with some clear plastic bag make a roof over your plant so it wont get drenched. And wait.


^^^^^^^^ thats what i did and i have my fingers the fuck crossed. dont literally rap them in the bags though that will retain moisture. and im in So Cal and i am nervous, because it rained heavily and now its suppose to get hot. prime mold conditions. i plan on letting my grow go till Halloween, but it would be terrible to see 6 months of hard work go to mold. Im in the same situation brotha! but im taking the gamble and pushing them!