sup 2 questions asap

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
can i bring greatwhiteshark and lr2ak47 12 and 13 day old plants out side for 2 or 3 hours of nice sun?

i brought the gws out yesterday and it loved it

when do you know when to feed them water?

mix=soil20%/wormcastings40%/coir brick40% the guy said dont let it dry


Well-Known Member
you can take them outside.. a lot of people do it. just try to keep the light schedule right whatever you do. watering depends on the aeration of your mix. Just stick your finger down in the soil about an inch... if it's dry an inch down, water to get about 10% runoff from drainage holes... if it's still nice and moist, let it go. I'd guess you would probably need to water ever 3 or 4 days with that mix, maybe a little longer. It's hard to put an exact number on it because every mix is different.


Well-Known Member
when u said u got told to keep the soil wet was that from the seedbanks website ? just curious. if it says not to let the soil dry out then your better off watering allitle more often then alot less often , what size pots are they in ? i would water maybe 500ml every 2nd nite depending on what size pot. i am also growing auto hindu kush the seem to be growing soooo slow but they are healthy