1/2ml nitrozyme, per 4 cups of water, place seeds in small container (a pill bottle), pour a little of the nitrozyme solution in, place on a warm surface, (a cable box, or other warm surface), let soak for 24 hours, shake container at 12 hours, if any seeds sink, remove them, and place them in a wet paper towel (spring water, tap water only) placed in a ziplock bag left unzipped! Place ziplock bag on a warm surface, (a cable box, or other warm surface), check seeds for a tap-root tail every 24 hours.
I have a seed heat mat with PID temp controller set to 78F. I also use it for proofing sourdough. The nitrozyme is new to me, I'll give it a try. I "inherited" a seed stash from a friend - lots of cool old gear, but 4-5 years old.