Super Cropping?


Active Member
has any1 heard of super cropping?

Some1 once told me that when the plant grows up after each internode you can simply pinch the plant stem. He said u only pinch a little to brake the inside of the stem without breaking the outer skin. This is meant to give little knuckles all the way up the plant to promote water intake.

Personally I think he was talking bull but a would like to hear if any1 has done this before and if it works?


Well-Known Member
has any1 heard of super cropping?

Some1 once told me that when the plant grows up after each internode you can simply pinch the plant stem. He said u only pinch a little to brake the inside of the stem without breaking the outer skin. This is meant to give little knuckles all the way up the plant to promote water intake.

Personally I think he was talking bull but a would like to hear if any1 has done this before and if it works?
yea this works fine. you dont want to do it after two weeks into flowering though. also you might have to tie the supercropped stem down because they sometiems have a tendency to straighten theirs selves out after time..

try it out. its pretty kool actually:mrgreen:


Active Member
yea this works fine. you dont want to do it after two weeks into flowering though. also you might have to tie the supercropped stem down because they sometiems have a tendency to straighten theirs elves out after time..

try it out. its pretty kool actually:mrgreen:
Well there we go theres the answer I thought that boy was talkin shit aswell

I will defiantly try this if im ever gorilla growing but tie down is a cunt if you want space.
</IMG>thanks for your reply

[email protected]

Active Member
come check out my thread in the sig...

I did one last nite you pinch the stem roll it gently betwwen your fingers till you feel the pulp inside break don then fold it over ....i know it sounds scary but it improve the groth below the pinch ,... redericts its energy to the bottom of the plant and promates side branch groth to creat mor top colas...and you dont loose your main top ...within 24 hours it will turn back up and grow towards the light it will look funny for a few days like a doing the other 8 plants today so 9 total i super croped ...i do it every grow......i will post pics as i bend and over the 24 hours period to show you how the come back up!!!its like toppin your plant but you get the main cola back ....and you will have atleast two tops if not more peer plant.

refer to this post for pics and info


Well-Known Member
super croppin rules i cant imagine going back to the old way. but i am wondering how far into flower you can top plants and when you should start. heres some i cropped.
the plants i grew this time are 3 times the size of the ones i just let grow naturally.

i just started to flower these im using a 400 watt hps and fox farm tiger bloom and fox farm grow big, both together. the grow big keeps leafs dark green so theres a good supply of nitrogen to use in the flower process, and it strengthens roots. i love this site



Well-Known Member
super croppin rules i cant imagine going back to the old way. but i am wondering how far into flower you can top plants and when you should start. heres some i cropped.
the plants i grew this time are 3 times the size of the ones i just let grow naturally.

i just started to flower these im using a 400 watt hps and fox farm tiger bloom and fox farm grow big, both together. the grow big keeps leafs dark green so theres a good supply of nitrogen to use in the flower process, and it strengthens roots. i love this site

fully agreed man



Well-Known Member
Those look great growman! Glad the technique is working for you. For those who want to learn a way of supercropping that doesn't involve hurting the plants, check out this very old thread of mine at ICMAG on LST supercropping

If Planetganja, where I'm a moderator, stays down into tomorrow, I'll try write one up for RIU


Well-Known Member
I updated my supercrop pics... LOL....

I wouldn't summarize by saying getting light to the bottoms... Its more like tricking the bottom grow nodes into growing straight up turning into there own plants... with branches and all if you veg long enough...instead of just growing up the stem....


Well-Known Member
dude thoes plants are going to be massive are u putting thoes outdoors? i like that im going to read up on this shit..last year my plant had like another plant that branched off from the side of it and it became like a whole plant on the side...but thats fucking awesome keep pics posted i wanna see thease grow!


Well-Known Member

When these were babies.. i used the top and fim method .... this is what they looked liked in a 3x2 cab before Supercropping ...Supercropping allowed me to fill up a 4x4 with 6 plants pretty well id say.

Happy growing peeps!



Well-Known Member
i love suppercropping.
i had a plant that stopped growing, and just recently it started to go up again, i think so i cropped it today. ill see what happens (white cup) the plant is 3 months old. wont grow, wont die.
supper cropping is awsome i dont know why it does what it does ( i can guess) but it works awsome. i dont really want 6 foot plants, so cropping and topping and tying down is the way to go. i guess if you just kept on going topping and cropping a mother plant youd never need to grow from seed again right?
how long could you take clones from one plant? forever? as long as you leave space or nodes to double up right?id love to see what suppercropping and topping for like 6 months before flowering looks like. anyone have any pics of the end product of long time cropping?

