Super Lemon Haze Outdoor Help. Strange Growing.


This is my first year growing outdoors and dont have really much experience. I planted both my seeds at the exact same time and in the exact same soil and they have both been located in the exact same spot, AND both seeds are the same (well supposed to be) from a certain bank of seeds.

The whole that they are in had been prepared a couple of months before and let to settle down but was still a bit acidic when it was time to plant so i used some lime and now ph is pretty much just a tad of 6.

From the picture below you will see that both a very different plants and would just like your thoughts. One seems to have something very wrong with it.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Probably should have took a picture of both but they are planted both side by side in the same whole which was about a metre deep and 2 metres long. They both get the same amount of light each day.

Any advice would be much appreciate.

Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
Something has been chewing on the leaves. Not every seed is the same if you're expect two plants to look identical. So many variables that are invisible to the naked eye. All it has to be is a little different balance in nutrients and one does better than the other. I planted some corn this year and let 2 stocks grow side by side and they were the tallest. I'd check around the plant, under the leaves to try and find the pest.


Well-Known Member
get something for those bugs!-

my lemon haze looks like the first pic. but doesn't taste or smell like lemons. phenotype is the word used to describe different genetic tendencies in the strain or family.

think of it like this. two parents had one kid with dark brown hair, one with blonde hair, and one with brownish blonde.


Yea I understand they will be different but the discolouration of the leaves and how shiny they are is this normal ?

Also plant 1 seemed to just stop growing for about a week with now what are the biggest leaves staying the same size and like slightly deformed for the whole time.

Plant 2 Leaf shape seems to be quite odd for a super lemon i think. I guess only time will tell .

Either way i thought i would post and i will check out the neem oil now.