super lemon haze/super silver haze 240x120x200 600w need advise

hey dudes and dudettes out there
about to begin a project 10 SSH, 5 SLH in 15 litre pots(out of 15 pots 2 are 25 litre for experimentation purposes). 600 watts dual spectrum in an aircooled reflector with 125" fan , Tropic 2000 electric greenhouse heater and evolution digital fan speed controller to control humidity and temperature automatically.
grow medium Plant Magic soil and space as formentioned 240x120x200.
no photos yet as the setup has not been fully constructed yet, and have not yet purchased my lights, but soon enough i will b able to post some photos to get feedback on it.

initial question: is 600w enough for distributing light sufficiently to that number of plants or should i go for 2x400w or single 1000w?and should i go for dual spectrum or get started with halide through vegetation and continue with sodium
further more i am considering planting directly into thee 15l pots as i have paid alot for the seeds and do not want the chanse of killing them through transplanting process.
another qwestion is that my strains are mostly sativa and will tend to grow tall so im pondering about how long should i leave them to vegetate for, as space is indeed an issue since my grow tent aint really that big.thinking about 2-3 weeks vegetation 18-6 light hours then switch to 12-12.
i mean i dont really want them to grow too tall(plus trying to shrink the process into the minimum amount of time so i get goodies asap) or else i ill have a problem with light distribution if my source is a single 600w,(the aircooled reflector sorts out the heat issue) hence my initial question. i know that the more lumens the merrier but im tried to cut my budget down abit so i want to know if that 1 600w is sufficient.
advise is welcome, will be back soon with photos of the setup


Well-Known Member
OK here is the deal.

a single 600w has a floor area coverage of 1.2mx1.2m or 4ftx4ft in a standard reflector

i would say that maximum you could grow under 1 600w would probably be around 6-8.

The best thing to do but it would take more time would be to grow the seeds and weed out the poor phenotypes that dont have the characteristics you are looking for and then clone those that you want to keep and keep them short in a SOG or SCROG style of growing.

15plants under a single 600w is definately not going to work as alot of strains need a certain amount of veg time before they will produce heavily in flowering.

How much are you hoping to yield per plant/total?

If you give your plants a veg time of 4 weeks then flowering sativas can take anything up to 15weeks but i think SSH and SLH are around the 11weeks of flowering mark then you would end up with approximately 2-3ft tall plants unless you do any training with them.

With 2-3ft tall plants you will only be able to fit a max of about 6 plants under the single 600w as long as you have a good spread from the reflector.

Alot of air cooled reflectors reduce the footprint of the lamp thus reducing the active growing area. BUt this is dependant upon which air cooled reflector you choose.

Also if you choose something like LST then you tie down the leading growth shoots on the plant thus causing a wider more even canopy which can work very effectively for yields but takes up more floor space as the plant is spread out rather than up.

Maybe do a little more research into the style of growing you would like to do and whether your chosen strains like the type of training.

It could be worthwhile you growing some of the seeds as mothers as i already mentioned and then use multiple clones in the same area with less veg time to increase your plant numbers but reduce the space they take up by flowering them around 4-8inches tall creating single cola plants.

Hope this helped you out

thnx J for the response:)

to begin with my space in terms of height as i said is limited and the 15l containers are about 1 ft tall so if i were to get 3ft plants that would add up to 4ft and since the reflector would take about 1ft from the ceiling then it leaves me with approx 1ft of space from the top canopy to the light when they reach tha height..that was my initial calculation which troubled me with lumen distribution but other than that it would be the desirable outcome to which i want to adjust my lighting system.:)

now my strains... although they are mostly sativas, they do have the indica element( thus the reduced flowering period of 11 weeks as you correctly said) and they dont grow as tall as other hazy strains( i.e arjans hazes tent to grow maaaaaaaassive) and i am worried whether im miscalculating and dont want to end up with midgits

600w though is 95000 lumens and i think is more than sufficient for vegetating 15,at least.its the later that troubles me
also LST is not really the apprpriate aproach(consider the amount of plants in the space i have ) i dont really want them to get more cramped in there than they allready will be:P
about the aircooled reflector im aware that some of them reduce the lumens production of light , but there are some new ones that the manufacturer claims they dont, but im not really sure whether to take it as a fact.

about cloning bro..time is kindof of essense as i am a heavy toker and spend fuck loads of money on my habbit, and additionally im very impatient so id like to minimize the time spent on this. so i guess i will stick to keeping all of them rather than plucking them out and cloning the desirable phenotype 1s. however i was considering grooming them a bit , cutting off the bottom branches as soon as they flower so as to keep the canopies as less dense as possible and to concentrate the plants flowering energy on the upper part of the canopies.
now what i considered doing was to get myself some poly pots and clone the cuttlings in the space betwin the other ones( which will dense them kindoff but im still hovering over the idea) which will give me a considerably larger yield, as those will grow most likely as single cola plants :)

im not really planning a commercial grow so im not really aiming for a commercially praiseworthy crop in terms of quantity;)

thnx for the advise man:)


Well-Known Member
No worries on the advice.

I would still look into whether or not your strain choice lends itself well to SOG. I still reiterate that 15 3ft tall plants under a single 600w would not be enough light and you definately will not have enough room for all of them and will end up with under developed plants.

Something you may want to consider seeing as you have the sativa side to think about is possibly 12/12 from seed.

Grown correctly with very little stress cleaning up the bottoms as you mentioned you should be able to fit 15 under your lamp approximately.

Then taking care of their needs correctly you should average 1-2ounces per plant. Giving you a total from 15 plants around 15-30ounces. With your plants finishing under 2ft giving you more head room for everything else above.

Just a thought bro but i still remain adamant that if it were me i would SOG it all and flower when your clones hit 8inches tall. Thus giving you around 20inch plants with the same kind of numbers as above on yield.

smaller plants also take less time to ripen and require less strength of feed alot of the time too.

Then you could cram around 20-30 plants in small AIRPOTS or something similar that air prunes roots and keep plant spacing tight.

Just something to consider.

After all the research i have been doing for the past year while also getting used to growing and building various things to help me along with this, this is the way that i am going forward with my grow.

Then if you wanted to you could also stagger how you put your plants into flower.

So lets say that you can fit 30 plants under your 600w that take 11 weeks to flower and ripen

You put 10 in first and allow then 4 weeks of flowering then place another 10 in and in another 4 weeks put another 10 in. By the time you are ready to add another 10 the first 10 are ready. Then every 4 weeks after this you keep harvesting and repeating.

Sound good?

That way you could be harvesting a good few ounces a month.

Would that take care of your habit?????

Something else to consider is that it gets that addicitive growing the stuff you find you actually smoke less lol.


King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
IDK,,,, i was soposed to have 15 plants now but i only have 5 SSH. i put them through 4 weeks veg and began bending them down. now i have them at 160cm tall and 4-5 weeks left in flower so i wouldnt like to say that 2-3ft plants would be just a rediculous answer. you probly wouldnt get away with 2-3ft if you put the into bloom directly after germination.....

King D.


Well-Known Member
If vegged for 3 weeks the smallest pheno of SLH will likely finish at about 3.5ft, the biggest could easily go over 4ft.