Super newbie

Hey all just another dude here trying to start my little adventure of growing, super excited and have been reading as much material as I can as I patiently wait for my green crack X bubba kush seeds coming from a cool dude in Cali. Now I'm using coco coir with perlite I'm just wondering if anyone uses nutrients for root grow or do you use regular soil then start feeding the plants a couple weeks later? Also picked up the grow big fox farm as a fertilizer is this a good start after the plants have grown out of seedlings and into the vegetative stage. Also about how many watts of Cfls would I need to maintain about 2-3 plants. thanks for any advice


Well-Known Member
Dont start using nutes until about 2 weeks in like you said. Anything made for germinating is usually just water with the smallest amount of nutes in it possible.

The fox farm line will do you good for the first go around. But you will need the big bloom and tiger bloom to get the best out of your grow.

As for cfls, if possible id go with a HID system. Either hps or mh. Cfls get costly and instead of buyin a 50 dollar fixture/ballast that you can just replace a 20-30 dollar bulb with, you buy a cheap fixture and have to buy 50-100 dollars worth of cfls more often then replacing a HPS or MH bulb.

Heres a good one i still use to this day for small personal grows:

Very nice design, its lasted me 5+ years, throws about as much heat as the equivalent lumens of cfls, and has a built in air coolable hood.

Good luck with your adventures!

i actually built a little custom cheap light fixture using cfl's as shown in the video, so I'm going to use them for the beginning maybe I will buy the fixture you put in the link a little later on. Now another question is with seedlings I see people using plastic cover to keep in moisture is this necessary in all cases ?


Well-Known Member
Its mostly clones that need the extra humidity, but some seeds can get too dry. If youre at your house alot and check up on them more than once a day id say youre good without them. But if youre in a really really dry climate and are not able to check them everyday then id go with the humidity dome. Ive just used sandwich bags and a piece of electrical tape wrapped around once, but those were for clones i transplanted too early haha.


Well-Known Member
I used to grow in coco. If you do not feed them at all, they will die. Coco is pretty much inert.

Just use lower strength at first.

Check the ppm of your fert solution before watering then check the runoff ppm. If it is higher, then dial back you fert strength.