super sensitive


Active Member
morning everyone! i have a question for you all. first a lil background---> i have been smoking on and off for 10 or 12yrs, i say on and off cause i can smoke dailyx3 for 6months and then just stop without any withdrawl. coffee , pop, and cigs now thoes are hard to quit! bear with me, i can be a lil longwinded:lol: my question is this, does anybody get really, really high off 3 or 4 puffs? i mean REALLY HIGH! like high for 4 or 5 hrs? this happens when i smoke daily, keep in mind. am i a freak? or just really sensitive? could it be my thyroid disease doing this? TIA for your replies! xoxo


Well-Known Member
I do usually Im nice and high after like half a joint tho I always finish it because it would be a waste not to I dont smoke a lot anymore maybe a joint or two a day 0.5 grams average per joint It means you have good weed and you dont have a super high tolorance witch is a good thing becuase you dont have to smoke a ton to get baked enjoy I am sure there are a lot of people out there who wish they could use so little to get baked


Active Member
madmaty,thanks for your reply. i know my weed is great, lots of tlc goes into it:) just hubby always teases me, calling me a lightweight. he happily finishes whatever i can't, though! was wounding mostly if my thyroid disease (metabolism is screwed up) has anything to do with it, but can't find much info on the net 'bout it. xoxo


Well-Known Member
those would be questions that you would have to talk with your doctor about I doubt anyone except him/her could answer those questions due to the fact that well we don't know your medical history, just bring it up with your doctor next time you are in the office. Ask them something along the lines of could smoking weed be having any effect on (insert medical problems here) they will prob tell you how bad it is and spout off some lies about how bad weed is (unless you have a doctor who sees the medical benefits) just block out the lies and you will get the anwser you need :) :)