First Suggestion, obviously get more lights. You will be disappointed if u don't. Next suggestion, I dunno how much vertical space you got to work with, but they like to stretch... alot, so you may have to tie them down or LST to keep em shorter and bushier.
I'm about 4 weeks into flowering 5 Super Silver Haze plants in a Aeroponic setup. Really good genetics on these girls, they came close to death due to a malfunction in my cooling vent but rebounded like it was nothing. Pest resistant as well, but I'v noticed they are very easy to Nute Burn. So don't over feed em with too much nutrients. If you do, flush and go weaker.
Minimal odor as well, when compaired to alot of other strains.
And depending how bushy they get, you will need to do some trimming and or add fans to keep air circulating throughout the canopy or they will get mildew/mold. I activly give them "haircuts" at least once a week, already had a mildew problem while vegging them.