super silver haze - first grow


Active Member
Hello all,

I've spent the last few weeks scrolling through the threads on this fantastic website in order to get some knowledge for my first hydroponic grow.

Hopefully I'll be able to start posting some pictures soon.

I'm growing for my own stash and am not worried about yielding pounds capable of winning the cannabis cup.

I also have space and energy issues so CFLS seem the best bet for my situation.

I have feminised super silver haze seeds and a simple hydroponic setup.
I'm going to use lst method or put some chicken wire up for sog due to space issues...

Is there anyone here who has had experience growing this strain (even hydro?)
Any particular tips and techniques??

Hope some knowledge can be passed my way.


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I got a few of those seeds and I was told they like to grow big so if you have limited vertical space you made need to LST or top them to keep the highs down. Just what I read and heard, I havent grown this strain yet

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Hey Blab,

I have 4 SSH on day 18 of 12/12 under high pressure sodium (400). No definite sex yet but I'm leaning towards female. Most everything else (blueberry, white widow) have declared sex but not these 4. They are HUGE. 50% taller than the others that begn 12/12 at the same time and twice the size...maybe more...than the auroras. I am in soil so won't be able to give you coming attraction info that hydro may have. They are very ellegant. Hopefully they are my run-way models and future mothers for cloning. Good luck.



Active Member
Hey Stoney and Celtic,

Thanks for the responses.
I'll make sure to get some LST and SOG skills together as it looks like i'll need them!

I'm going to be growing with CFL grow lights. A blue spectrum 6500k and then a red 2700k. Both are 100 watts actual.
The lights are called 'Grow Lush' in case anyone is interested, high in lumen babies;)
My seeds don't seem to want to germinate. waiting, waiting, soon hopefully:)


Active Member

Having trouble germinating seeds....:spew:
Has anyone here had any experience with these soil disc things?
I'm now germinating 2 seeds in the soil disc things...1 in water, and 1 in a paper towel.
None seem to want to live...maybe something to do with feminised seeds? Maybe they're old?

I've taken some pics (with my mobile phone) of part of my set up. For a grow space, I have put two large bins together.
Cheap and effective.

The hydro setup is a simple pot with beads on top of a small reservoir with a modest pump in the midst of it all.

My cfl for vegging is pictured here. It's huge, bigger than my hand...100w cfl 6500k growlush. I have the same light but with 2700k for flowering...

trying to devise a system to hold the light in the grow space atm....and hoping a seed will germinate so i can get everything underway.
thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
the only thing i would say is if you havent bought the screen yet - which you will need - get one made of plastic instead of the metal chicken wire... i got one thats plastic with 2" square holes that works much better than chicken wire, and wont cut your plants...

i'm sure you know anything of the haze variety will grow really really tall - and take a little longer to flower... but should totally be worth it ;-)


Active Member
Thanks for the tip bloodshot.

I'll make sure to get a plastic one.
Things are looking a bit dire though, seeds haven't germinated and it's been 3 days...
I bought the seeds from anyone had any experience with them?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Ive heard the SSH is a very potent smoke and I would luv to try it. Im currently looking for a few different strains to grow and SSH is one I might try aswell but unfortunately I cant grow everything I want so that one may have to be next time. Im interested to see how you go with them.

Good luck :leaf:


Active Member

Been busy, unable to get much done.
Had a seed germinating. Had to leave town for a few days. Came back and it was well out of the jiffy pot.

I've put into my setup

Watering in 15minute periods (timer)
At the moment just a little blue spectrum cfl on it..

Is the root too long?
My first indoor grow, i'm used to just putting seeds in the dirt...Any advice would be great.



Active Member

another few shots.
leaf is now open.
i'm a bit worried that the root is too long?
what do people think?
what should i do if it is?


oh also put the 100w 6500k light over it:eyesmoke:



Active Member
thanks man.
was a good stretch wasn't it? lol
unfortunately that's how big it was into germination when i got back into town....

do you think i'll still be able to grow bushy?
Will the stretch cause much set back?



Well-Known Member
I have just finished a grow of blueberry and super silver haze and it was the baller weed looked like someone had sprinkled diamonds all over it truely a master plant buds started showing one week in at two week it was unreal i love this plant got to go down in my hall of fame.I grow hydo has well but i also hate to waste space so i always have a few in soil around hydro tank don't put the water dripper on a timer i have always had problems with that alge stagnent water leave it on a constant run this gives far greater results it puts co2 in the water keeps nute on the move but clean your tank i know its a pain i do mine once a week this gets rid off the salt build up in the tank.ENJOY


Well-Known Member
just make sure when you trans bury her about and inch deep and you should be straight. put the light within 2-3 inches and you should be straight


Active Member
thanks everyone for the help.
greatly valued.
i've been super busy and due to that and space reasons...growing hydroponically has become unfeasible at the moment. I transplanted the plant into my garden and it seems to be going alright. Hopefully in the future i'll be able to grow indoors, when i move and have more space!

here's a link to my outdoor thread if you're interested....