super skunk auto, DP think different and bag seed

Hey there guys this is my first grow journal and also my second indoor grow. First was a bag seed that I grew under cfl. Was an indica that gave me 136g dry done on scrogg net with bio bizz soil and nutes. Currently I have two cuttings from this bag seed plant under 600w dual spectrum hps in an igrow 1.2x1.2x2 tent with fan and filter. They were vegged for just four weeks then flipped to 12/12 when four days later disaster struck. My cat bamboo ran into tent being a general fool and knocked both plants over one fell upside down and snapped main stem and other was on side.....both lost lose soil and had to tape branches but since then they are both flowering. Look a little limp and fked but im just happy they still growing. Also today I put three super skunk autos in to germinate and they will go under the old cfls I had for last plant until bag seed plants finished....and finally next week I will be germing three dutch passion think different seeds to join the skunk and later under the hps. I will post pics tomorrow of both setups and the plants. One love
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This my first indoor grow and the mother of the two i have going now. This is three weeks from harvest. Thought i would show somat whilst i wait for lights to come on to show current grows :)
Ok so these r pics of the two photos I am in week 2 of flower. They were monster cropped 5 yes 5 weeks into flower. I know this is a bit late but it has always worked for me. The reason I do it is I dont have to do and high stress training. No topping fimming super cropping just a but of tying down this for me creats 20+ tops with no need for recovery time after topping ect...

also I have a few pics of the cfl grow box atm has 225w cfl but will be upped by another 300w at week 4 of the super skunk auto grow.

on the think different I may have to wait longer then a week to get them started as no longer plan to make a third grow room so they will go in the tent with the supers once the photo's are done.

anyway look forward to these grows and hope some of u guys join me for the ride.
Yay all three super skunks broke through.....let the games begine.

also two bag seed doing really well they in the middle of their stretch and nodes keeping no more the 1cm apart budding real tight internodes so happy dayzzzzz

