Super slow growing Ak-48s, wtf??


Active Member
Ok guys, I've done a bit of research and it appears that although I haven't come across this problem from a couple of years, at some point other members have had really slow growing sativa phenos.

I'm just going into WEEK 5 of flower, and this is all the bud I'm getting?

I'm using GH nutes (following a well known and proven formula from another forum).
Temps with lights off: 16 - 18 deg
Temps with lights on: 23 - 25 deg

They ran into some problems early on, all of which I fixed as soon as I could.

The humidity in the room is quite low (infact my temp gauge doesn't even put out a reading...), I think cos I've got a heater in there to keep the temps up....

Any idea what the problem is?? If its gonna take 10 - 12 weeks I'm not that fussed, I just wanna make sure its gonna beef out at some stage.

I'm only JUST starting to see resin on the leaves....


