Super Snow Dog


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever smoke this shit? It;s amazing! Immediately upon exhaling I am baked. I was given some bagseed a while back, I grew it a few months ago thinking it was just some average bag seed, half way thru the grow I was warned about the quality of what Ihad, I was told I have some rare shit, I looked it up and sure enough, from what can tell there is no doubt in my mind that i have the Super Snowdog. I took a plant out of flower after 2 months flowering and put it back into veg. It took over 2months for it to stop trying to grow calyx's and start putting on some decent veg growth. Then it was attacked by thrips and nearly died. If I can get a decent harvest I will buy a camera and take some good pics, this shit is such a good resin producer, but wasn't a huge producer for me, but I'm a rookie.. My cousin grew it too and he has some seeds in his bud, he grew it from the same seeds I did, but he got a hermie, I grew twice as many as he did and didn't get one. Anyways, I am going to get some seeds from him and grow them if mine dies, but I know I have a good female if mine lives.
I would post up my pics but my camera is shit! I tried to get some close ups but they are just a blur.Sorry, I really wish I could share this with everyone.