Super soil anaerobic! Please help!

SJ KOrganic

Active Member
Sorry to start another thread about this situation. I have gathered some information about my issue but the question is much different.

So one of my super soil batches has been cooking for 3 months and, as i have made probably around 12 or more 45 gallon batches in the past, this one fucking wreeks something aweful. I know its mixed well, as i always use a mini tiller on a large sled. From my understanding it did INDEED go anaerobic...this i started to notice at the end of all my fucking transplanting.

The huge super urgent question is, what is this going to do to my plants? Should i be conerned? Right now they are in a closed roomwith a dehumidifer to try to dry the soil out, and of course an air purifier cuz stench lol.

Thanks in advance.

SJ KOrganic

Active Member
They are going to hate me but i ended up untransplanting them and dumping the soil in a huge sled i have outside. My concern is that its 10 degrees where i am. I am tilling the hell out of it every hour but the stench is still going strong. Probably let it sit outside for a few days?


Well-Known Member
The cold weather will just preserve the anaerobes it seems. When you go anaerobic the bacteria are slower to act but tougher to rid. I can't say I'd use it at all. I think u did right by your choice. Can't you get other soil? Or pot them in coco?

SJ KOrganic

Active Member
I had 3 other barrels cooking so i threw that batch out. So the trick is to probably mix them 1 time a month, dont over water them and make sure they get enough oxygen???


Well-Known Member
The more you mix the better areation you get. I'd be turning it more often than once a month if it were my pile