Super soil burning my sativa's... HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I am running chocolope and blueberry right now in Subcools super soil, and while the blueberry is doing GREAT the chocolope is showing signs of over fertilization.

I was wondering how yall mixed up soil for Finicky sativa's. Should I use half super soil and half promix, or 1/4 super soil and 3/4 pro mix? Should I mix the promix and SS together, or layer the Super soil on the bottom, with promix up top?

Any guidance or direction would be greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
maybe ask sub how he does it with the cheese as i seen a video where he explained how the cheese is sensitive and uses less supersoil. i think, but dont quote me, he uses bio bizz light and just less SS in the bottom but ask him.


Well-Known Member
The way I do it with super soil is Bottom layer 1/4 usually then a 1/4 mixture on top of light super soil mixed with regular soil ( 60/40SS or 70/30 SS) and then 2/4 on top just straight regular soil. If I see any issues its usually 2-5 very small burn spots on lower leafs but then the roots grow and improve their ability to take up nutrients and the burn stops almost as quickly as your realize it had started. Most of my plants though don't show signs of burn. Good Luck (That's for 5 gallon pots forgot to mention)