Super stealth grow Idea


Well-Known Member
So I had this Idea for a stealth grow in home that could run two or three plants maybe and I want some feedback as in good idea or bad Idea.

I have access to this old coke vending machine

since I am new to indoor growing of any kind I'll layout my plan and you guys correct me or ridicule it as you will I just want any kind of feedback

This machine has several racks for holding cans, and bottles of refreshing liquid. They can be removed by any one that knows how to use a wrench, screwdriver, sledgehammer (they dont have to function any more), etc.
I want to do a layered SOG grow by installing a shelf in the middle that wont allow light transfer and I want to mount a HPS light on the bottom of that shelf so that I can veg on top with a few cfls and flower on the bottom. the coke machine already has some lights in the door so I was thinking If i wanted I could use them to veg both shelves If I lined the whole thing with mylar. The machine is Ideal for stealth because it already lights up so I wont have to hide the light its about 1 1/2 foot deep as far as I can tell and maybe 2 1/2 wide on the inside (I have yet to measure)
But at nearly 5 feet tall it leaves room for my plants to grow and have adjustable lighting. Also it is Ideal because it locks so any prying eyes would go wanting if they grew suspicious as to why I have a non-functioning coke machine. well what do you guys think? Constructive criticism please.


Well-Known Member
What if someone wants a coke....LOL

You would have to do something about the light when you flower.


Well-Known Member
You would have to do something about the kight when you flower.
Please elaborate I must reiterate I am completely new to this kind of growing

and the coke thing I was thinking I could sacrifice a little space and leave one rack functioning so as to avoid suspicion


Well-Known Member
O.K. first of all that is supposed to say light, not kight.

Anyways, you can grow a plant in the seedling and veg stage with lights on 24 hours a day (24/0) or on 18 and off 6 (18/6).

During dark hours, like when you use 18/6 it should be completely dark.

After your plants mature or reach a certain height, you switch the lights so that they are on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours (12/12). This will trigger them to flower. (produce buds)

During 12/12 it is critical that the dark period be kept completely dark.
If not your plant wont flower and if it does it will stress the plants and cause hermis which will self pollinate and give you seeded bud.

This was a basic explanation so I hope it helped.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I'm kind of a junk recycler, trying to find a use for everything so it doesn't have to be thrown in a landfill somewhere, and I want to get into growing for personal use so I figured this would serve both purposes.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thank you for the Input if you think of any other design flaws let me know so i can try and get this thing built perfectly so my first grow can be successful.. also im sure this is already answered some where but what is from personal experience the best way to get seeds In the us without digging them out of some bullshit regs. because most of the good weed around here is sensi.
also would you consider it a little too ambitious to plan for hydroponics with this limited amount of space?


Well-Known Member
Hows it? One thing you might want to consider is how you are going to ventilate it to keep fresh air coming and going for the plants, also depending on the lights you use it might get kinda hot. So you gotta find a way to keep it cool--Somehow you need to install a fan pulling in air at the bottom, and a fan in the top somewhere to blow air out, this would be ideal because obviously heat rises so work with that rule to keep the plants relatively cool.
Also, with that set up you might wanna consider a co2 delivery system so c02 can fall on your plants, rig it at the top.You can utilize different home made methods such as yeast/sugar/water/2litre/tubing, dry ice or maybe even "co2 boost", either way it is beneficial to the plants because it increases growth.
Well good luck
Hit me up sometime, peace


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the input Fatman..
For cooling i was thinking of just keeping the parts that cool the drinks in i got a book with it that shows me how to raise and lower the temp. do you think i will still need fans if that is the case?
I suppose i could do an input row of pc cooling fans at the bottom and a row of them up top for output like five or six for each.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know about the cooling parts withit but you want to keep fresh air on the plants this helps with the overall health of the plant. Also you want to be in complete control of the enviroment--so how would the cooling parts affect this you gotta be mindful of that. With the fans, putting that many in may produce a lot of excess noise, so put two sided sticky tape around them when you install them or something similar whatever works just remember it is a stealth grow.
You may have something here!
I hope it works well.
Hit me up, peace.


Well-Known Member
Oh and you mentioned hydroponics, that is ambitious but it would definitely be worthwhile.
And are you growing in that thing indoors or outdoors? Cause you gotta think about odor, maybe some cheap carbon filters from Walmart hooked up to the outgoing fans? Cause trust me anybody can tell you they do get stanky(in a damn good way!)!


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of Indoors just so no one get suspicious as to why there is a coke machine outside of my home that does not work and the carbon filters are going to be a must if the smell is strong...
And I dont really know if i can make a two level hydro setup that will be compact enough to have any growing room left in the unit itself


Active Member
1. Badass idea, ive always wanted a coke machine in my house, even a really old one, or one with a cool picture on it.
2. I think you could set up a pretty decent 2 room setup inside one, and it should be light tight on the inside.
3. If you can transform the coke machine to grow weed inside, and dispense icey cold cocacola. you are the FUCKIN MAN! and id venture to say you could win a stash award ;)


Well-Known Member
So, what are the actual dimensions of the interior, and ideally how many plants do you wanna grow?Because I was thinking the Scrog method might be perfect- you can triple the buds produced by 2-3 plants to equal that of 4-6 traditionally grown plants. Check it out on growFAQ.


Well-Known Member
i dont know the actual dimensions i dont get the machine for a couple more days but i was reading the growfaq Scrog might be the way to go Im thinking it will be like 1 1/2 deep 2 1/2 wide and about 4 1/2 tall (all feet)


Just some idiot
Hey if you can make it work that would be awesome. I would take some pics of the inside when you get the machine. I would think that if you can rebuild it a little you should be fine with temps, it's a cooling unit right? Hydro would be good especially with a SOG, as for the space you would have I would need to see the inside. Keep us up to date when you get it, there are a lot of handy people on here.