Supersoil VS Liquid fertilizer

Organics is very forgiving less is more you can always topdress as and when needed ewc will soon become your best friend good luck op on your journey down the rabbit hole of organics
Edit - would also recommend adding malted barley to party ☮
Thank you very much brother! i just hope to understand more about it.... I would like to get out of the comfort zone of liquid fertilizers and save myself the waste of time mixing and taking readings. It seems like the best solution but I'm afraid of harvesting less than expected honestly.... What do you think?
Someone above in the comments mentioned using larger pots... at the moment I am using 25lt pots (6.6 gallons) are they ok?
"would also recommend adding malted barley to party" at what ratio?
Organics/ living soil there are so many variance and no real wrong or right answers , everyone has different resources available to them,25ltrs is to small imo double bubble at least,the smaller the volume of soil the more you will have to top dress,
I use coots mix with few added goodies including malted barley but I also top dress at certain stages of the plants life as having large volumes of soil is not an option for me this works for me others will disagree and have there on Ways.
If I make a 100ltr soil mix I will add few cups of malted barley and I top dress with barley couple of times during the grow.
I found this very helpful in my organic journey hope you do to good luck op ☮️
Organics/ living soil there are so many variance and no real wrong or right answers , everyone has different resources available to them,25ltrs is to small imo double bubble at least,the smaller the volume of soil the more you will have to top dress,
I use coots mix with few added goodies including malted barley but I also top dress at certain stages of the plants life as having large volumes of soil is not an option for me this works for me others will disagree and have there on Ways.
If I make a 100ltr soil mix I will add few cups of malted barley and I top dress with barley couple of times during the grow.
I found this very helpful in my organic journey hope you do to good luck op ☮
Thank you very much you have been very helpful! I will follow your advice and as soon as I get back from work I will read the article you linked me to :mrgreen:
its a supplement superior to soluable silica it improves the abrasiveness of the soil to make your roots thicker and stronger
Hello, for some time now I have been enticed by the idea of moving away from liquid fertilizers and would like to start approaching the world of super soil. I am about to buy a complete kit from lurpenatural with super soil (Charcoal, Bone Meal, Dolomite, Herb Blend, Azomite®, Kelp, Rock Dust, Diatomaceous Earth, Sugar, Yeasts, Humic and Fulvic Acids.
Includes test tube with Rhizobacteria, Mycorrhizal Fungus and Trichoderma spp.) with top dress, compost tea for flowering and one for vegetative, humus and an oxygenation kit.
First what is missing from this kit? do you have anything to recommend? also as a brand I mean (consider that I live in europe).
I am doing this for a better product and to save time but quite a few people have told me that anyway the yield will be less than a cycle with liquid fertilizers.
Can any good man please elucidate me? I thank you guys in advance.
Its missing Bacteria. I would highly recommend including this on a weekly basis. Just check out the label on this product and look for it locally.
Bacteria is essential in the breakdown of organic material and is a valuable ally to bring into the mix. I use it on a weekly basis.

Is Gypsum included in your mix? Potassium Sulfate? These are two things I would add as well. At the moment I top dress a combination of organic materials in week 1,3 & 5.

Another thing I would recommend bro is doing some form of cover cropping with browns and greens. This really helps the biology kick off and the soil moist. There are so many options here, the recommendation is any type of Dynamic Accumulator as it provides the soil with an abundance of nutrients.

I am not sure what other contents are with what you are using so you can just post as you go on this thread and I can give you some more suggestions.

I actually heard the guys talking about Keffir as an additive as well. I have tried it out and it seems to have helped my plants so that is also something local that can add some good bacteria to the soil. Its also something you buy once and you just keep feeding so massive bang for your buck.
Just remember if you don’t add Dihydrogen monoxide your plants will die
Dihydrogen monoxide is needed in every grow fert or non fert

without adding Dihydrogen monoxide your worms will die soil plants as well

and if you don’t start taking Dihydrogen monoxide at a steady rate you also will die

I sell clean Dihydrogen monoxide and use it myself I bet most other growers here use it too almost sure 99.9% do
Anyone here use sawdust to help with a little too much Nitrogen in the soil? And what type of sawdust do you use, and would a little cover crop be just as good?
Anyone here use sawdust to help with a little too much Nitrogen in the soil? And what type of sawdust do you use, and would a little cover crop be just as good?
I use sawdust from trees when I use it
Though too much nitrogen isn’t normally a problem in organic nless your amendmen it’s hot like fish meal

honestly I’d plant peas and let them fix
Alfalfa gives you straw mulch and nitrogen break down to release it it uses it off ground
I use sawdust from trees when I use it
Though too much nitrogen isn’t normally a problem in organic nless your amendmen it’s hot like fish meal

honestly I’d plant peas and let them fix
Alfalfa gives you straw mulch and nitrogen break down to release it it uses it off ground
I've never planted peas before, do they sell that in a seed form? interesting.
I've never planted peas before, do they sell that in a seed form? interesting.
High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2, and powdery mildew; and intermediate resistance to downy mildew.
High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2, and powdery mildew; and intermediate resistance to downy mildew.
I'll bookmark this thanks, I have a cover crop going on that I grabbed from Amazon, seems to target cannabis growers,
Fenugreek, Vetch, Flax, Cowpeas, Buckwheat, Forage Peas, Millet, Lentils, Crimson Clover, Sweet Yellow Clover, White Clover, Medium Red Clover

I'm hoping this helps along with the sawdust. I will try those peas eventually but hoping after this round my new soil will have settled down and I won't have too.