supplementing HPS lighting with CFL's


Well-Known Member
I want to use some of my stronger 55 and 65 watt CFL bulbs to supplement my 600 watt HPS in a 3x3 tent. If I add 4 of the 65 watters I can get it up to around almost 900 watts and at the same time improving the overall light spectrum. I want to add them from above the canopy, so that they shine downward and overlap with the primary light source, right into the center of the plant, rather than around the sides where they would be less effective. Also by hanging them from above, it will be easier to cool them, as I have 2 fans blowing over the canopy already. Does anyone else supplement HPS/HID lighting with CFL? Just curious to know how if, at all it improved yield/quality. Thanks, Mr. Magoo
If you feel you need to improve your spectrum, I would suggest looking at screw-in-LED's or LED strips or pretty much anything before CFL's. Adding CFL's to HPS seems like mounting a BB gun on a tank. Sure it makes the tank a bit more powerful, but is it worth it?
Given the very short effective range and poor penetration of CFL's, it just seems you should be able to find a more efficient way to spend your watts.

Plus, 600 watts in a 3x3 should be more than enough.

[the above advice is worth exactly what you paid for it ;) ]
Never noticed the 3x3 bit first time I read.

I think a better reflector or hood would give you better light distribution.
Should not be an issue in a 3x3 really.

But I agree with the guy above, screw in LEDs with globe removed would be a lot better than cfl, still don't think its needed though.
A 600 watt HPS in a 3x3 area is pretty solid on it's own, that's 67 watts per square foot! I wouldn't spend any money adding more light unless you grow big plants and wanted side lighting but there is no space for that in a tent.
Thank you for replying, I think I will go with a better hood. I have the basic wing reflector and it doesn't seem to spread the light like it should. The only reason I was considering CFL is because I have boxes of them left over from my earlier days, before I upgraded. I can always use them for vegging. You are all correct in saying that 600 is more than enough for a 3x3 and I really shouldn't be adding anything that will bring up temps. The growth is really amazing, every day she is fuller and fuller, I am just a bit O.C.D. about things from time to time. I love that movie A Christmas Story, it reminds me of myself, when Ralphie was looking at the Red Rider BB gun in the magazine. Kind of like me looking at bigger lights and hoods,looking for something bigger and better.
I would like to look into some LED panels some time, but the good ones are very pricey. I really like the HPS for flowering, but the temps can go up really quickly if your not careful. Cobs or Quantum boards would be nice.
The growth is really amazing, every day she is fuller and fuller, I am just a bit O.C.D. about things from time to time. I love that movie A Christmas Story, it reminds me of myself, when Ralphie was looking at the Red Rider BB gun in the magazine. Kind of like me looking at bigger lights and hoods,looking for something bigger and better.

If I may offer a bit more advice: don't get distracted by bells and whistles. The equipment will always be secondary to skill. Use that time you're spending drooling over lights to study your girls, read all you can and verify what you read, hypothesize and test your hypotheses.

This is not meant as a boast, but an illustration: as still novice grower I am producing flowers as good( sometimes even better) with my maxibloom and SIL's as many of those I see that were grown under high priced lights with (to me) ridiculous concoctions mixed from 15 different bottles. It took a few years, but I went from tiny plants where an ounce and a half was a good harvest to expecting a dry qp from each of the 4 plants in my perpetual 3x3.
I can't wait to see the results when I actually know what I'm doing.

Cheers :)
I understand what you mean. I have been growing for about 10 years now and I am still learning new things every day. I have had great results from using CFL. I was using over 1000 true watts of CFL in my 3x3 before I finally broke down and bought an HID. I don't like to grow more than 2 plants at any given time, that way I can give them the concentration and care that they deserve. I will probably upgrade my tent to a 4x4 and get a better reflector hood. I truly enjoy this hobby . Thanks again
I understand what you mean. I have been growing for about 10 years now and I am still learning new things every day. I have had great results from using CFL. I was using over 1000 true watts of CFL in my 3x3 before I finally broke down and bought an HID. I don't like to grow more than 2 plants at any given time, that way I can give them the concentration and care that they deserve. I will probably upgrade my tent to a 4x4 and get a better reflector hood. I truly enjoy this hobby . Thanks again

I'm enjoying the conversation, so thank you.
As someone who has only used fluorescent and LED lights, may I ask why you chose HID over CMH? It seems like every side by side I've seen shows a better /watt return with the CMH/LEC fixtures, in quality and quantity. I'm not being argumentative, but genuinely curious about your choice.

As I've started to figure out the basics and built up a stash, I'd like to experiment and expand my knowledge and the CMH lights intrigue me. Lots of folks still swear by the old school MH/HPS though, so I keep an open mind.
I have heard that CMH are harder to cool because a lot of the models have the ballast connected right to the hood, which has to be hung inside of the tent, whereas the HPS ballast can be put outside the tent. I have also heard that CMH, gives a more balanced spectrum, but the flowers are not as dense as HPS. I was considering a CMH, but I ended up going with the HPS Econo Wing setup, which is easier to cool than I thought it would be.