Support the Black Market where ever and whenever you can.
Does that also include supporting those promoting a compatible goal, just using a different approach?
By showing exactly what's the potential "legal" customers facing, with obvious illustrations of multiple VILIFICATION EFFECTS directly attributable to the INDU$TRIALIZATION by Harper & Trudeau.
No need to invest in despicable emotions invoked by barbaric attitudes as racism and homo-phobia, etc. With a special place for those 2 categories around some cyber-groups it seems, as it was the end of slavery which propelled our society toward augmented humanism, though painfully and always too slow. Then other groups inspired by such liberation of the speach eventually revendicated their own human rights - which is what "medical" cannabis consumers as a group managed to fail doing correctly after bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionnists instrumentalized them. Cleanly-wrapped like hot-dog sausage!
Lets face it, an historic rendez-vous was missed by this powerful group of society because people just like Harper's gang, except that's installed guru's à la Hilary Geller (former assistant-deputy of the Health-Canada minister) who actually ran/run the show - most especially at the international UNGASS 2016 event held in New York on a
4-20 (as pure provocation):

Only TrudeauManiacs still think this was cool, while Louise Arbour and peers of the United Nations criticized Canada's participation using their insider background...
Too bad suffering persons desperately seeking relief end up VILIFYING a gift of nature as if it were just another narcotic, which it's not in its genuine natural state. And of course industrialization assasinates that legacy, but the "medical" users have been taken hostage by our Public Institutions anyway, not to mention this reminds me that lots of those easy/captive political instrumentalization targets hated being identified/juxtaposed with "criminals". M'well, formerly talented gardeners all too often...
So, when it comes to supporting "the Black Market where ever and whenever you can" i'd respectfully suggest to revise this formulation which results in massive exclusions within the "Canadian Patients" forum exactly!!
Instead i prefer to sacrifice my pride and accept/use opportunities to bad mouth any product of the SQdC, in a province where politicians took us back to the Victorian age when "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." was declared "
POISON" on some "
Cédule A" added to the "Pharmacy Act" under authority of the British Empire. It turns out last Friday i heard on Québec's public TV a very equivalent statement using that exact word, assimilating cannabis to tobacco smoking and alcohol binges, 130+ years later.
So please try not mask your face when Dana Larsen dares mention "
Masturbation Panic" in one of his titles, because that's intuitively describing what bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism is pretty much indeed. But as a "medical" user i suppose your only interest is convenient access and preferably the narcotic style anyway, and if i got that all wrond then chances are that those you're trying to stimulate still belong to that category. Hence explaining an apparent lack of solidarity based on an artificial dichotomy imposed by an historial mistake that got settled in justice courts much the same as a parallel "Free-the-Beer" case somehow...
We already know enough about "tumble" mari-caca performed with the need to remove seeds as an excuse, while practically shaving off the frosty trichome glands layer in that same lucrative process. What we still can't prove is how bad it goes relatively to Pest Control Products and most particularily savvy mixes of non-detection concentration levels, knowing there's 96 items in the catalog to begin with!
Need i continue??
Nonetheless if emotional release is your only recourse then why not visit/revisit the case of SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert who actually walked out of court as clean as a new-born, with his umbelical cord intact many years later (e.g. when it's no longer the "news" with a novely taste to it).
Ever heard of
George Floyd recently? Your timing would prove perfect i think:
Virginia is set to become first Southern state to declare racism a public health crisis: What it means and why it matters (2021-Feb-23)
Combined to Systemic Racism that would be noticeable like dynamite unless wearing ear plugs IMO...
Good day, have fun!!