Growing All Gas OG and Bruce Banner in 5 gallon buckets. I already have tomato cages over both which they are simply outgrowing. Was wondering what to use for extra support for them, or what some of you guys think.
Great looking plants bro. For extra support you mean when there's buds weighing down the branches? Bc they seem like they're supporting themselves great right now. If that's what you mean and it was me and I was planning how to support the branches when the buds are pulling them down I'd prob end up driving some rebar into the ground around the plant then tie strings going from one bar to the other, like a circle surrounding the plant and if the branches start to fall down they'll hit those strings. You'd want your plant closer to the ground though, unless you had some long ass rebar. Honestly though man I'm not sure you'll need any extra support. The only time I ever grew outdoors it was a healthy, vigorous plant that really needed no help. Yours look very healthy. I'd very carefully remove the tomato cages and let them go. If at any point you need to support any branch just drive something into the ground close to the plant and use it as an anchor point. I hope I wasn't way off on what you were asking. I was pretty stoned when I first started writing this.Growing All Gas OG and Bruce Banner in 5 gallon buckets. I already have tomato cages over both which they are simply outgrowing. Was wondering what to use for extra support for them, or what some of you guys think.
Yes that is exactly what i meant, just looking like theres gonna be heavy buds.Great looking plants bro. For extra support you mean when there's buds weighing down the branches? Bc they seem like they're supporting themselves great right now. If that's what you mean and it was me and I was planning how to support the branches when the buds are pulling them down I'd prob end up driving some rebar into the ground around the plant then tie strings going from one bar to the other, like a circle surrounding the plant and if the branches start to fall down they'll hit those strings. You'd want your plant closer to the ground though, unless you had some long ass rebar. Honestly though man I'm not sure you'll need any extra support. The only time I ever grew outdoors it was a healthy, vigorous plant that really needed no help. Yours look very healthy. I'd very carefully remove the tomato cages and let them go. If at any point you need to support any branch just drive something into the ground close to the plant and use it as an anchor point. I hope I wasn't way off on what you were asking. I was pretty stoned when I first started writing this.
Thank You, yeah i planned on removing the bottom crates this weekend.Make another layer rather ring of cage or netting. Id also x one of those crates that will imo make it top heavy easier to knock over. That size plant id just use bamboo stakes as mentioned
Growing All Gas OG and Bruce Banner in 5 gallon buckets. I already have tomato cages over both which they are simply outgrowing. Was wondering what to use for extra support for them, or what some of you guys think.