Supporting Heavy Branches


Anyone have any good idea for supporting heavy branches. Im growing outdoors and would like to get any branch supporting system in place now, before its to late and I wreck something putting it in place. I saw a picture somewhere, but cant find it now, where someone used bamboo stakes and twine in a christmas tree foe around his girls.... looked lke great support. Any ideas anyone?:-o


Active Member
Id like to see some photos.
Have a huge sative that leaning hard and one branch is near breaking.

I have bamboo and garden tape.
Ill post my shitty pictures, I have never done it either,


New Member
I got to words that are going to change your life forever my freind " Trellis Netting" you wonder how you ever grew with out it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You said it, bamboo canes, then jsut tie the branches on. I personally just tie the branches to the main stem to they each counter balance the branch on the other side and it's all happy clappy


Well-Known Member
Look at the picture at the bottom of this post. Chain link on the sides and remesh across the top.

For individual plants, in a garden setting, I like using one or more t-posts and twine to support overly heavy branches.

I use whatever works.

I hate muddy buds.