Well-Known Member
It has been a long time , but after a long break from the scene its time to dial in the new digs. So here we go.
The first grow of the year will be of Surfr Seeds bred Gorilla Grapes X Trophy Wife. I discovered their strains , and they have a lot, here in Washington state. One of the commercial farms Grow Op/Phat Panda has a lot of their strains out in the wild and are easy to come by. Hmmm Tasty Terp goodness. Anyway back to the grow.
Follow along as I take you with me as I dial things in and test different thigs along the way.
My ultimate goal is to dial in my Coco Grow as a lot has changed since my days in Hawaii. Vendors disappear and new ones come to the party. So the Yeti and Guido will continue to test and play. is the place to get these beans. They were actually the bonus seeds this rad breeder threw in with the beans I ordered. They are also can be found at some of the usual seed banks around. is the maker of the Coco Perlite mix I am sourcing since GrowStone went out of biz. is my goto maker of bottled nutes. Their line is one of the cleanest fertilizer lines out there and they are about to go big time again with their new Louder Powder water soluble line. makes the Sea Weed Extract I'm trying out. These folks make a great powder nute line.... is who makes our goto MYKOS we mix in every bag of Coco Coir or every transplant we do.

Decided to compare my regular coco prep with coco mixed with Earthworm Castings and BioChar. Mother Earth Coco+Perlite mix will be the base mixed with Extreme Gardening Mykos. From there the rabbit hole goes deep. Follow along if you want.

All the water will be commercially obtained RO delivered by a local company for lab tested consistency. I then keep the "On Deck" bottle connected to an air stone. For now I am just using a small aquarium pump and air stone. As I get more settled I will increase the pump and stone for more O2 goodness.

One of the things I do is a soak of the new beans. I usually make a mix of 1/4 strength nutes and fill a shot glass with the solution and drop the beans until I see tail. IF it takes more than two days I put them in their new homes. This time I am experimenting with a pre-soaking with a mix of standard 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and water. I am trying 1 tablespoon per roughly 16 oz. of oxygenated water. 1 Tablespoon per Solo Cup. This part of the rabbit whole is to sterilize the seed as well as chemically scarifying the seeds helping getting oxygen to the embryo. If its on the internet , it must be true. (Also trying this on some Creeping Hydrangeas for the fence line.)

After the new pre soak, the beans then moved to the actual soak. As I mentioned, I usually do a mix of 1/4 strength nutes. This time I am trying a mix of Seaweed Extract from Growmore and water to see how it does. I am looking at replacing Rapid Start as a rooting helper.

The first grow of the year will be of Surfr Seeds bred Gorilla Grapes X Trophy Wife. I discovered their strains , and they have a lot, here in Washington state. One of the commercial farms Grow Op/Phat Panda has a lot of their strains out in the wild and are easy to come by. Hmmm Tasty Terp goodness. Anyway back to the grow.
Follow along as I take you with me as I dial things in and test different thigs along the way.
My ultimate goal is to dial in my Coco Grow as a lot has changed since my days in Hawaii. Vendors disappear and new ones come to the party. So the Yeti and Guido will continue to test and play. is the place to get these beans. They were actually the bonus seeds this rad breeder threw in with the beans I ordered. They are also can be found at some of the usual seed banks around. is the maker of the Coco Perlite mix I am sourcing since GrowStone went out of biz. is my goto maker of bottled nutes. Their line is one of the cleanest fertilizer lines out there and they are about to go big time again with their new Louder Powder water soluble line. makes the Sea Weed Extract I'm trying out. These folks make a great powder nute line.... is who makes our goto MYKOS we mix in every bag of Coco Coir or every transplant we do.

Decided to compare my regular coco prep with coco mixed with Earthworm Castings and BioChar. Mother Earth Coco+Perlite mix will be the base mixed with Extreme Gardening Mykos. From there the rabbit hole goes deep. Follow along if you want.

All the water will be commercially obtained RO delivered by a local company for lab tested consistency. I then keep the "On Deck" bottle connected to an air stone. For now I am just using a small aquarium pump and air stone. As I get more settled I will increase the pump and stone for more O2 goodness.

One of the things I do is a soak of the new beans. I usually make a mix of 1/4 strength nutes and fill a shot glass with the solution and drop the beans until I see tail. IF it takes more than two days I put them in their new homes. This time I am experimenting with a pre-soaking with a mix of standard 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and water. I am trying 1 tablespoon per roughly 16 oz. of oxygenated water. 1 Tablespoon per Solo Cup. This part of the rabbit whole is to sterilize the seed as well as chemically scarifying the seeds helping getting oxygen to the embryo. If its on the internet , it must be true. (Also trying this on some Creeping Hydrangeas for the fence line.)

After the new pre soak, the beans then moved to the actual soak. As I mentioned, I usually do a mix of 1/4 strength nutes. This time I am trying a mix of Seaweed Extract from Growmore and water to see how it does. I am looking at replacing Rapid Start as a rooting helper.