Survive or Die?


Active Member
Hello RIU, Today is the first day i have had a chance to experiment with the heat in my growbox.... After building, Working and getting raw materials, i managed to get a fan insulated (for sound) a 400w HPS and two old kitchen cabinets that i bolted together.

I have noticed that the growlight has been on for about 3 hours now and its already waving between 25-30 degrees... I read on a website that over 24 degrees, there is a serious problem with pests, but i designed my growbox so no pests can get in... Would 4 maybe 5 white widow plants survive temperatures with a max of 30 degrees? Im quite desperate because of im completely skint and i sleep in the room with the growbox in so it cant be too loud...

Any comments & help are greatly needed. Thanks :bigjoint::fire:


Active Member
Anyone an expert on white widow and know if this temperature is ok? i was planning to 18/6 for about a week then put 12/12, with 12/12 i can leave door open on the growbox, i can also put another fan in because of i wont be sleeping during the 12 hours its on...

please someone comment on anything about white widow or if any strain will survive these kind of temperatures? thanks


Well-Known Member
30c=86f, that's close to top end for most non tropical strains. Should be okay. I've hit 117f and they didn't die......didn't like it at all but didn't die.


Active Member
well il check my box at midday and see the temperature... lucky i asked on here first, i had the jigsaw out with the short, sharp blade, ready to cut a hole in the top to make a new vent :P