Sweet Justice!


Well-Known Member
So I am waiting at the lights and this intersection has a right hand turn lane. Sometimes people will use this turn lane to dart in front of people just as the light goes green...it was one of those times. One car jets by in front, then another car jets by in front, and I am foaming at the mouth because they both almost hit me. Anyways, the second car that darted in front of me turns on a police light and wouldn't you know, it was a undercover cop car. He pulled the first guy over and it felt so good to see that :)
YEAH! Go pigs and insurance companies!!! HOORAY!

hooray for people who drive like twats. little billy didn't need his knees anyway. damn those pigs for enforcing the law that people signed a contract to follow when they got their license. damn them. of course people should be able to drive 2000 lb hunks of metal as they damn well please and there should be no consequence. motorway laws are for bitches, yo.

Fucking pigs stopping people when they innocently steal tanks and run everything over. :finger: