Sweet Purple


Well-Known Member
greeings guys & gals

I was wondering if any1 has ever tried this strain and has any input or info on it and is it positive or negative. im intersed in buying some Sweet Purple from cannabis seeds and the prices are awesome. Also im growing indoors under a 250 watt HPS setup. I have plenty of space and my celing is prety tall.

here is a link to the SWEET PURPLE im lookin to buy in a couple of days. skunk , seeds, cannabis seeds, uk , marijuana seeds,


Well-Known Member
Yea i seen that honeymoon but it doesn't look like it has a bigger yeild than sweet purple. plus planetskunk doesn't accept credit cards and i have/want to use a credit card.


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about.

honeymoon can yeild a pound per plant.thats not alot?

and planet skunk does accept credit cards because thats how i pay.

so theyre you go


Well-Known Member
They're both about equaly but at planetskunk- Honey moon is $52 bucks shipped. And Sweet Purple at Dr.Chronic is $18.60 shipped.....i think we all know which bank im gonna buy.


Active Member
yeah i bought some sweet purple couple of weeks back was only £10 for ten seeds and all the seeds ive tryed to germ have within about 2 days. let me no how yours are doing. ive got 4 that have been sprouted for about a week.
peace out


Well-Known Member
ah my cousin has honeymoon in his garden that's deffinently gonna be a good selling/smoking strian round my neighboorhood but yea both planet skunk and dr chronic are good seeds ive dont buisness with both of them.......but i still think dr chronic is the best he has so many choices and my package got here in 5 days and my planet skunk package got here in i think 9 but anyways there both fantastick seed banks.


Active Member
heres some outdoor sweet purp. easy to grow yeilds nice , but not the most potent shit out there

jeb cornfield

Active Member
yeah nepa is right sweet purp is a great strain but not the best smoke awesome yielder too i'll stand by S.P its always givin me great results


Active Member
Sweet purple is is growing wild...this is the first time I try to grow it so I can't judge the smoke yet, but I can tell you she is a pretty easy plant to grow and she grows big. Here are some pics of my plant after a bit more than 1 week of flowering. She's not yet purple, but buds will get there eventually.

