

Well-Known Member
A friend recommended that I use molasses or maple syrup during budding. If this is correct what are my options?


Well-Known Member
some people use molasses but other people that use high grade nutes dont

molasses tends to make your buds a little denser in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Im using General Hydroponics floramicro and florabloom, should i use a suger sub? and if so can i us maple syrup?


Well-Known Member
molasses molasses. not maple syrup. you can use molasses the whole grow. It helps the microbes in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the sweets! Excessive carbohydrates in the soil can interfear with Nitrogen uptake. But lots of people use molasses. I found this in the organics forum a while back and this is how I do it now too. I use it once during veg and twice during flowering
Here is how you do it. - by Ohsogreen
First use only unsulphured molasses, like Briar Rabbit or Grandma's Molasses (brands). Mix one ounce to one gallon of chlorine free water. If you only have tap water, let it set for two days & 99% of the chlorine will evaporate. Then you can add the molasses.
You can bubble (oxygenate) it using a cheap aquarium pump & air stone for at least one day. Or just pour it from one clean container (jug or bucket) to another a couple of times a day, for at least two days.
This provides extra oxygen to the good micro-beaties, they then eat, mutiply, & kill off - the not so nice micro-beaties. The longer you oygenate this mix, the more good guys you end up with. Their eating & pooping out the NPK (bioconversion) is what make it highly soluble. Over time their bioconversion reduces the N and pumps up the P & K slightly. Not a big shift, just a point or two.
This makes a good growth stage fertilizer (that's cheap).
Just mix it light the first time & water in lightly - like one quart per plant.
Start low & build slow. This prevents overfertilizing.
Use this mix one week & plain water the next.
You can add nutes to the mix, but remember your adding to a mix with a NPK of about 5-1-3 alr