Switched to HID from CFL; Leaves Drooping


Well-Known Member
High everyone, I just switched out yesterday and relocated my 3 week old plant to the attic with a 600 HID MH.

Within 24 hours, the leaves are drooping badly :sad:. The attic temps fluctuate a lot more too, so I am not sure if this is lighting distance, temp fluct, or both.

The leaves that are droopy and twisted also seem almost crunchy. The temps dropped into the lower 50's/high 40's too last night in the attic. But I have other seedlings that look fine right now, so this is just one plant. With the lights on, it is 80*F at plant level.

I can't put up pictures right now since my wife is home, and she hates when I screw around with my plants when she's around (that's another issue).

Anyway, tips are very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Just be sure that you have enough space between the plants & the light.

Remember that the plants don't need as many lumens during veg as they do during flowering. Make sure the light is about 12" to 18" about the tops.

Sounds like they're getting to hot.



Well-Known Member
im sure its just the stress of the ney lighting. give it time and remember that your plant will need more water with a bigger light. how is my post above the ops?


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with bluey here, it sounds like there is some burning going on
Perfect advice bb


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh why is my post before the the first post of the thread?
Oh god not more rollitup issues


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I gave her a little more distance, although I was in range (18" or so). And yeah, I'm not even stoned yet and I was WTF how is my 1st post 3rd in order?! LOL.

You guys are awesome regardless!! :)