Switching from indoors to outdoors?

I have a cfl setup and I was wondering can I bring my plant outside and get some of this good ol sunlight and bring it inside during a overhead forcast bring it inside for the cfl light? Will it stress the plant out?


Well-Known Member
and it will take the plant few days to get use to the outside sun and will be a slow grow for about 5 days


Well-Known Member
You can take your plants outside gradually over 3-5 days, by first putting them in the shade then slowly moving them outdoors. Once they're outdoors they'll do a lot better and can even stay outdoors all season long. You could also bring them back in, but you have to be careful about not bringing in any pests along with the plant. If you just want to give them a boost of sunlight every now and then, I would just put them on a chair and sit them outside in a shady spot for an hour then bring them back in. It won't hurt or stunt their growth. However going from CFL to full sun could hurt them.

You can also mist them with water and apply a light coat of food grade diatomaceous earth or if your not 100% against pesticides and if can follow directions on a label, you could dust them with Sevin found at Home Depot or Lowes. Its not organic and you can only apply it 4-6 times max per season and never near the last three weeks of harvest, but man this stuff kills everything and I know a lots of gardeners that swear its better and supposedly it's safer then half the organic insecticides out there.